New Lockdown

There you go cat, generous to a fault that’s me :wink::grin:.



:musical_note::musical_note::musical_note::musical_note:"What has a hazelnut in every bite…" - you know the rest…

Something to do with Sciurus carolinensis scat

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I’m not sure whether that is really generous or really, really mean! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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It seems to me that there are basically two types of thread - an information one where somebody asks how to do something. In this case thread drift is irritating and I hope I would not follow the drift, but I suspect on occasions I have. The other type is an opinion piece and I regard this as more like general conversation between a group of people. It seems natural for these conversations to develop and deviate.


@cat @james
@strudball made a suggestion in another thread which seems to have been overlooked and might help.

I think there is value in what both John and Ron suggest - it just needs some discipline and perhaps a tweak somewhere to persistently indicate the type of topic in view - perhaps in the topic banner - to serve as a reminder about the “rules” on that topic alone?
I’m sure people will co-operate if they know and understand the reasons behind it. It perhaps might also make managing the topic more transparent.

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The problem is time…we do both have full time jobs outside of this!

It is already nigh on impossible to get everyone to post the topics in the correct categories- and that’s with a drop down menu! Periodically we do a clean up but tbh, I / we are loath to add an extra level of admin. Will discuss with James though.

Have a great day everyone :slight_smile:


@cat The appeal that @james made some time ago in the Lounge for members with sufficient Trust level to monitor and change categories has worked well which I am sure has helped reduced your workload. I (and I certainly know of others) who consistently help the site management in this regard.
A “work around” might be a generally accepted/understood flag or word form at the beginning of the thread title (which is itself persistent) to indicate it’s purpose which will ease pressure on the Team. I’m almost certain this can be achieved with little effort and there will be benefits…
:checkered_flag: or :triangular_flag_on_post: or :black_flag: could be repurposed for this perhaps… The [red triangular on post] one would seem most fitting to be used as the first thing in the topic title. Just need to find a way to include the flag in the title :wink:


I’ve heard of Bécherel and its books. Never yet got there but would certainly like to. At the moment I swap English books with other English people and I get French books from the donation point.

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I don’t mind this thread wandering, by the way, it’s fun to chat, and it’s like my thoughts. My brain sounds like a happy fax machine.

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Posting English chocolate when it’s not available is cruel.

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I understand that, but as I have said and agree with Graham some topics are serious and frivolous additions aren’t sometimes appropriate.
Some are related to ones posted by people with worries or wanting info’ for very genuine problems/issues


Yes I’ve been to Bécherel - loved it, and would go regularly if I were a bit closer. I got nice old editions of Camus there (whose Hemingway-esque style, by the way, is rather easier for a non-native reader than many French classics).

If all this covid nonsense ever ends I fancy a long road trip - and you’ve sparked the idea of a ‘book towns’ tour-de-France.

And just to relate this back to topic: interesting to note that even in this lockdown nearly all the shops in Bécherel will remain open!


I wish I lived there. I would like to run a book shop.
I make my friends laugh by saying it’s my ambition, but it is.

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Are you far from Mellionnec Annajayne? There’s a lovely little bookshop there - small but good secondhand English section, well chosen new French books with a bit of an ‘alternative’ inclination (environment issues, etc - but lots of literature and arts), nice vegetarian food and drink (probably not serving during lockdown).

It sounds good. It’s outside of my zone during lockdown but after lockdown it would certainly be of interest.

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Shall we do a SF group purchase?!

Yes but is @Griffin36 getting commission on this? :grin:

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Prefer proper chocolate these days :slightly_smiling_face: