New Lockdown

Posted on a Facebook group.


I do agree that the Commission has not handled things very well but sometimes the media chooses words that can mislead.
“Limiting vaccine exports” becomes “EU threaten to ban vaccine exports to UK”.
It may well be that the UK ordered & paid for the vaccines ahead of most EU countries so expect to be supplied but for the EU to tolerate their orders to be postponed or delayed as a result would not make sense.
If a farmer sold forward most of his crops but then a drought reduced his output, would he be expected to fulfil his contract while his family starved? Legally, I suppose yes but morally?


I thought that was the proposal
to reduce proportionally by same proportion as the reduction in output so everyone suffered equally.

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Have you been watching “Yes Minister” repeats with Sir Humphrey Appleby over Easter? :slightly_smiling_face:


If you’re an nurse you might see it differently. Surge in cases in France. The vaccine would have helped but we didn’t get it quickly enough. I’ll not go into politics as it shouldn’t be a political problem. Seeing patients dying isn’t easy.


Could only be France

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I couldn’t afford any chocolate. Can anyone send some? It’s for a good cause :grin:


Unfortunately, one of the problems is that it has become a political and geo-political problem. One of the vaccination centres in the Nord or Pas de Calias (can’t rememeber) had to throw away doses yesterday as people cancelled appointments or didn’t show up when they found out it was the AZ vaccine :frowning:
Courage au travail, ça doit ĂȘtre t difficile !

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rather than trawl through 170 posts can somebody tell us what exactly the 10km radius means. In simple terms does it mean we can “roam freely” within 10km of home, (with address proof) and visit friends (less than 6) at their home if we chose 
we and most of our friends have had at least one jab some weeks ago
and we aren’t all over 70 so are beginning to worry less. All outside curfew period.
And if we go shopping to next town 
we need the attestation ticking box 6.

Yes you have the right to roam in daylight hours within your 10km rayon.

Visiting people at their home is a controversial subject, and what has been issued about not doing so (even in groups fewer than 6, and with no food and drink involved) is advisory not mandatory. So it is up to you to take reasonable precautions. We had a picnic with 2 friends yesterday. I have visited a neighbour in her home sitting far away with the window open and not sharing any food because she is unable to leave her home and very isolated. But otherwise I would avoid indoor activities


If you have no luck in traditional bookshops or book sections of hypermarkets, try the FNAC online site (if you no big FNAC near you), they’re quite good.


I just had an email from my local bookshop saying they are open - bookshops are regarded as ‘essential’ this time apparently! (Quite right too!)


Books are essential. Imagine life without them.


you couldn’t of course - as a writer of some note :wink:

Who’s a writer of some notes? Not me. I write bad poems and send them to the BBC

Pam Ayres used to think the same about herself IIRC

Just think Annajayne, you could be her stand-in

ARGH! Nooo!
I only send the poems to p*ss them off.

what is it with people on SF today? Everyone seems to be getting excited about pissing contests :boom:

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