NHS,what went wrong?


I’ve had a few sessions in France, mainly for the foot rub experience. I’ve found each session pretty useless. Not at all stimulating and a waste of money.
I always had a reaction after a treatment except once. I’ve had some interesting results.
When I left the UK some hospitals were employing reflexologists, I’m sure it must be a lot more common nowadays.

I didn’t mean necessarily actually go to Paris, but that it is pointless comparing where you live here, eg the back end of Gironde, with London, because there’s practically nothing the two places have in common. Comparing like with like would be more meaningful.

I get the impression in France reflexology is seen as more ‘palliative’ rather than the UK where it is more ‘curative’.

I understand what you are saying but a skill or service offered would be the same

Wherever it was learnt and utalised.

It is very interesting to me that it shows where the problems are hiding before there is formal notification of illness.

I don’t think there is much hope for the UK - or rather for England - in the next decade or so - that’s one reason I’m here in France!

Most likely scenario is that the Tories will continue to implode, but also move rightwards - likely to a Johnson/Farage/Braverman/etc leadership - Labour will win the next election, but like Blair in 1997 do a few good things but fail to fundamentally reverse the country’s direction - thus preparing the way for the even more rightwing Tories again.

The only hope lies in protest forcing change - as indeed it always eventually has done in the past - but…

(Note it’s not just the NHS that Starmer is failing to defend - it’s also these democratic and human rights.)


And now they’re going even further…

The country is turning into a third rate junta :rage:


Morning Geoff

I think somebody has just watched Minority Report

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Oompa oompa stick it up your junta…

we can not change politics or the way it destroys our world.

Oh, I don’t know, the Tories have been forced into multiple u-turns again and again.

But each time the window shifts a little bit further to the right.

Unfortunately it is not just the Uk that is going down this rabbit hole.

Amazingly, I read an article the other day about a right wing think tank proposing a solution to some of the UK’s problems, which was universal basic income by another name.

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Politics has been changed across the world countless times by angry people deciding they wanted a change.

When politicians have to start looking under their cars with a mirror on a stick every morning again, they might start to change their ways.


Indeed. While the US is the most obvious parallel, I also think what has and is happening in France is broadly similar, ie.

  • collapse of the old centre parties as activists and voters move to political extremes
  • new centrism promises something new and different, but actually turns out to be more of the status-quo
  • move of activists and voters to extremes continues because nothing much is changing on the ground
  • the new centrism, increasingly alarmed, allies with the extreme right
  • extreme right takes over

Oh, sorry, did I say France? I meant of course 1920s-30s Germany…

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It is worse than that because the young people do not bother to avail themselves of information that they might have to think about.
It all comes from their 'phones.

As I like to say, the phone is a device that gives access to near the sum total of the worlds knowledge. The worst part is that people use them to watch cat videos.


Oh no - there’s much worse than watching cat videos. :grin:

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