Nothing in Particular

Takes me back more than fifty(!) years to reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It’s a technically effective solution to a problem that’ll satisfy some and appal others (incidentally I’m in the latter camp).


I expect it was simply the cheapest option. :smirk:

Or the only option…


Who can tell…?

Could have moved the electrical conduit and covered the pipes in a narrow box or cupboard if no other direction was possible.

Chasing in requires extra work(and expense but if functional fittings are not decorative, or going for an industrial style, they are better hidden.
(Goes for many things! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

Personal aesthetics aside, exposing poorly executed alterations and repairs is usually a warning to look for other corners cut, some of which may possibly be dangerous.

Our son drove over from Verbier to spend time with us last week. He’s had to go back today because of work commitments. Good to have some time though. :slightly_smiling_face: