Number One Hero

Oh Mandy, so, so sad to see you go. Your posts were among the few that I looked forward to reading. I can fully understand your reaction and must admit that when people spend all their time looking to score cheap political points on a website whose purpose should be apolitical, I feel myself getting near the same stage where I ask myself whether I still want to be part of this for much longer. Nothing to do with the valiant efforts of Cat and James of course.


I shall be deeply disappointed indeed horrified to think that I have been instrumental in your leaving Mandy. You have always been a charming companion and a SF stalwart.

I have long been a prolific and robust commentator here. Occasionally I have overstepped the mark, been called to account, and apologised for the offence I have caused. I think have done so, when the occasion arose, with appropriate contrition and an honest remedy where one is due.

I have myself been the subject of awful personal abuse, including a thinly veiled accusation of paedophilia by one of those former friends you mentioned in your list, who was in the forefront of FFS (and worse) interjections at the drop of a hat.

Having PMd you recently and sincerely to know where I have gone wrong, I had no reply, so I am in the dark still. But I repeat that I am very troubled to read that you want to leave. I know how much your heart is still in France, and that this site is a key link that you would not want to sever.

Please reconsider Mandy.

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I thought it was just lively debate and I found it interesting to see that there was so much diversity of views and so many misunderstandings (deliberate or otherwise.) That is the spirit of the forum.
There are no “trolls” here. They are defined as people who hide behind anonymity to attack and humiliate an individual who is unable to defend themselves.
If you disagree with someone, you cannot expect them to see your point of view unless you say what you object to.
I see that you have alread received two likes, so you should be pleased about that.

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Bizarrely although I am happy to swear IRL I am very uncomfortable typing swear words on a forum


Where oh where did that come from?
Is there a condition where a person’s sexuality can be called into question in France or on this forum?
I regard your comment as discriminatory, homophobic and should be removed.
For reference purposes homosexuality is not illegal in France

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Read the thread

If that comment is directed at me @anon22869222 I have read the thread thoroughly and whilst you might subscribe to the notion that “gay bashing” is somehow ok it’s not - its disgraceful behaviour and you should be ashamed of yourself.
But still, what more can be expected of the English living in UK who hate France.

I think it rather sad that the beginning of this post started with a good uplifting story of an old soldier who wanted to raise 1000 pounds for a good purpose, it went viral & raised millions & still rising.
Straight away the protagonists as Cat, called them swooped down like vultures on the post for their pound of flesh in political one-upmanship or shitting on the UK from the comfortable safety of France & an SF audience.
Yes I can see the media hype & maybe the NHS is under financed ??? & all that, but FFS give it a rest or create a post for yourselves & maybe others will join in for the bun fight?
Hey chaps, cool it a bit, I see that you’re upsetting quite a few memebers! Try to think before you google statisics & take to your keyboards to bash or play I can piss further, what harm or hurt you cause. You are ruining some posts that could be interesting nice or fun.


Was that comment directed at me @anon22869222? it’s not clear.
I have read the thread thoroughly, thank you (as well you know)

What on earth is this about, Bob? Come on, man up, spit it out, have the courage of your convictions, tell us what you mean and who you are addressing with this cryptic comment. :smiley::hugs:

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It is a great pity that we don’t seem to be able to agree to disagree here, and to accept that while on the one hand it is marvellous that this ancient chap is raising all this money, on the other hand it is shameful that the state is underfunding health provision and happy to substitute charity for proper financing.
And it is an even greater pity that while disagreeing we can’t be civilised but have to resort to invective innuendo etc.
It is tedious.


Good for him, I think all the money he’s raised for the NHS staff should be used to buy chocolate :chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar: for them


Sorry no. This is from JG’s own website

We then deduct the payment processing fee on each donation of 1.9% + 20p. If the donation is made is a currency other than GBP, the processing fee becomes 2.9% + 20p.

So they add on 20p, may not sound a lot but when you have lots of people pledging £5 it adds up. I give to charity and do it by bank transfer, you don’t need to use these platforms.

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AmI allowed to speak now?

I’ve just sent you a message so you can certainly speak to me.

My understanding is as follows:’
Captain Tom was shown on local news as aiming to do 100 circuits before his 100th birthday in order to raise ÂŁ1000 for The Association of NHS Charities.

People who may desperately have needed a means of showing their support for the NHS (other than supporting the morale boosting neighbourhood gathering every Thursday) chose to get on board and donations came flooding in.

Captain Moore was delightfully surprised and humbled and determined to carry on as long as people were happy to give. We needed someone to be inspirational, slightly quirky and totally delightful, and he is that person at the moment.

Please don’t put down anything that someone has been able to do to boost morale and solidarity to support the tough measures in place in the UK (I live in both places but am stuck here at the moment.)

If someone had inadvertently initiated a groundswell like this in France (and they may well have done so already?) would you be criticising them in the same way?
The group of charities which will be benefitting from everyones donations’ website is as follows, and their main aims are as follows - providing things which are above and beyond that which the NHS itself can fund. (France may well have a similar setup?)
Charitable organisations have always raised funds to buy ‘above and beyond’ capital equipment or support research or the staff on the front line (and in the wings): this is nothing new.


NHS Charities

There are more than 250 NHS charities across the UK and most of them focus on helping our hospitals do more. Collectively these charities give ÂŁ1 million every day to the NHS so that people can stay well for longer and get better faster. In recent years NHS charities have funded major capital projects, pioneering research and medical equipment at our hospitals, helping patients access the best possible care when they need it most.

They also play a key role in mobilising volunteers to support NHS staff, brightening wards and waiting areas with colourful and engaging art and building an important link between our hospitals and our communities. Other NHS charities support mental health trusts, community health trusts and ambulance trusts.

These vital funds and services are above and beyond what the NHS alone can provide, touching lives and making a huge difference to millions of people when they are at their most vulnerable.

NHS Charities Together

NHS Charities Together is the new trading name of The Association of NHS Charities, a membership organisation representing, supporting and championing NHS Charities.

NHS Charities Together provides a forum for nationwide fundraising and advocacy campaigns; specialist advice and guidance; bespoke conferences and training opportunities, as well as access to online resources and support through exclusive member pages on our website.

NHS Charities Together also provides the collective voice of NHS Charities on a National scale and the impact they make.

NHS Charities help to meet all strands of the NHS Long Term Plan. Find out how in our NHS Charities Together brochure.

You can also check out our collective NHS Charities Impact report “Learning together as a sector: NHS charities using shared measurement”


Website here:

What a shame to see so many people leaving all at the same time and it seems to have coincided with my joining and I think I had talked to all the current leavers. Let’s hope the two are not connected! Oops. I had, of course, been lurking in the background for a while enjoying the site as a guest. Hopefully, this site can go back to being only informative, entertaining and a great place for exchanging recipes, photos and ideas.
Peace to you all
Izzy x

