Oil Paintings

As first attempt that’s amazing!


Most figurative artists do all over underpainting first and build up the painting in layers, particularly if working in oil paint when go one has to start with very thin, quick drying paint.

Drawing is visual thinking,it enables you to rapidly develop and refine your ideas - it can be done with anything from pencil to a welding torch.

I stopped making art about fifteen years ago because I’d increasingly found writing was better suited to my ideas and my situation. These days I experience art making vicariously by critiquing my wife’s paintings. You can see her work at:-



Beautiful work by your wife.

Yes, I sketch the image out lightly then block-in in acrylics. I use oils and start each layer from the furthest point working towards the front adding more detail as I go along.

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Thanks, she’s a good painter.

You are SO talented! Such beautiful work, Thanks for sharing :blush:

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Thank you Mo.

Lovely paintings