PAT test required in France?

Clients can be curious creatures…often to do with their profession. We’ve had ones wanting to know all the details of our windows and doors, people curious about what insulation is in the walls, and so on. Our favorite are plumbers, as they seem to feel it necessary to to check and if necessary fix anything!


Yep… that makes sense for some, I suppose.
We were always exhausted from work and delighted to be away on holiday, so simply wanting to relax in wonderful France… :wink:

Err, no. Split load means that only some of the circuits are protected. For some bizarre reason UK regs seem to allow lighting circuits to be unprotected, whereas power outlets are. Why you’d not put all final circuits behind 30mA différentiels is beyond me :roll_eyes:

But modern UK isnt as bad as it was with single rail RCD. Things improving everywhere. :+1:

Not anymore Badger, the 18th + ammendments are all circuits.

As @JaneJones says, nature of the guest’s background. I’m VERY fortunate they are who they are - foursome of whom husbands are good DIYers. They let me know my dishwasher was smoking! We pulled it out - they insisted on helping - and we ran the cycle again with no mishap. Happy to leave them to decide whether they would continue to use it - they decided they would. And nothing untoward. This led to a conversation on whether we had to have our electrical equipment PAT tested.
I’ve taken them a bottle of wine this evening as a thank you. A lot of guests would have left me to sort it and I could well have finished up thinking I needed to buy a new dishwasher.
It’s a lesson for me that the last 2 years of COVID have left me slow and complacent - only 6 bookings over 2 years and the last French family left the place spotless so I didn’t run the dishwasher to clean it as I normally do. DIYers and I think it was probably dirt/dust in the motor from not having been used since last August. I MUST clean /check EVERYTHING pre-season and not assume all is well.
I’m lucky they are such a pragmatic and generous foursome.
Like Jane, on a previous occasion the husband of one family (an electrician) brought his tools with him and did a couple of repairs for me. :grin: he gets bored on holiday.

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Shows that I’m out of touch then… & the idea of split load has now gone.

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No worries, why would you need to know. All in the past :wink: