Please be aware of a situation with a bank that we find ourselves in

slap on hand received, Brian ;-) I think we've stated quite clearly earlier that this system works perfectly 99% of the time and I think this is, as you say, an individual problem at a certain bank, after all the night deposit box system in the UK (if that still exists) works in exactly the same way. Personally, no problems what so ever with this system with crédit agricole. They phone me staight away if there is a problem only happened a couple of times in the last 7 months/200 deposits ;-)

Ah, 'The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui', ever reliable as a sources of good quotes.

Just to break the 'barrier' for those who do not follow the French, c'est ça... I think a few prejudices are beginning to be expressed to strongly. The starting point is that a bank made a mistake, a serious one at that, and will not climb down. Could somebody tell me where that is actually better? It is not, at least should not, be about the French banking system but about a branch of a bank who got it wrong. The discussion should be about how to find a remedy and perhaps avoid it happening again/to others.

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To quote Brecht "the bitch is on heat again"

yes, Annette, as far as I was aware, the system is the same in the Uk with the night deposit box - no-one is there to check what you put in. There are newer systems, BNP Paribas has one but pro banking with them costs a lot more than Crédit Agricole - I played off the various banks against each other when looking for finance for our business and crédit agricole came out top and they're only 50m away so handy as I need to go there every day. Yes, I think this could happen, and probably does, anywhere ;-)

Je ne suis pas d'accord avec tout ce que vous dîtes, mesdames, mais j'avoue que « la douce France » est beaucoup plus facile à trouver si on est à la retraite. Je suis diplômé des fac d'Exeter, de Lancaster et d'Aix-en-provence et je n'ai trouvé que des CDD. Suite à des problèmes professionnels de ma femme, et des changements dans l'enseignement supérieur (mes heures étaient réduites à la moitié) on s'est lancés dans le commerce (on est buralistes) et oui ça marche, mais on bosse six jours et demi par semaine et avec deux enfants en basse âge c'est loin d'être simple et on se me demande si c'est vraiment ça la vie ! On plus on a dû déménager et quitter nos amis, mon club de vélo (j'en fais plus car je n'ai plus le temps!) Mais quand on regarde autours de nous c'est ça, que des agriculteurs et des indépendants dans la famille et on bosse tous comme des cons pour donner plus que la moitié à ce putain d'état (comme dit Renaud). La seule à ne pas être dans cette situation et une de mes belles-sœurs qui est fonctionnaire et qui se plaint sans cesse de ne pas être compris par nous autres... ! Je n'ai pas l'intention de « retourner » au RU, (mes enfants et ma femme ne parlent pas d'anglais non plus) mais j'aimerais bien qu'il y ait des changements radicaux en France ! Mais n'oublions pas, quand même, que tout n'est pas parfait là-bas non plus, loin de ça des fois !

Courage et bon dimanche;-)

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David, if you read a few of the 'serious' (not journalistic) things appearing at present, you will see that political writings almost equal to 1929-33 Germany are reappearing - mainly anti-Islamic or anti-immigration, anti-EU/Euro, increasingly anti-Bulgarian and Romanian, maintaining the anti-Roma tradition and on a small archipelago beside the European landmass particular focus on Merkel/Hollande - German/French in negative terms. I would say that there are openings there for somebody who can put a diatribe of that voracity together. Der Stürmer and Julius Streicher's style of presenting reasons to are, sad to say, being revised far too much at present and SFN does not need to have illustration of that.

Ah James. So it's all the fault of a right wing political Mafia , the Freemasons and of course those you won't mention. You could have had a career writing for Der Stürmer.

Lucky you. Attention, quand même, risque de rebelote avec le syndrome de l'expatrié : apparemment la GB a permis le "droit" de Castes dans le pays.

N'est-ce pas permettre la discrimination au nom du "respect de la tradition" ? C'est révoltant, tout de même...

Just read your comment after I wrote mine about the camera. That's indeed the way to do it ! Pity they don't insist on it too !

One more thing to do : on the "record slip", write the time + date of when you deposited the money this way so it makes it straightforward to find the recording.

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Yep, in another, more "advanced" country, maybe. I doubt that without a formal complaint they would have done anything of the kind. Noone died, so why the bother.... :(

I forgot to suggest sth : no security camera in the bank to prove what you told them ? Don't they have them in banks anymore ?????

"Tap (in your bank account ) and go" said the advert, once.... :D

Sad, really.

Hi Véronique.

I feel exactly the same as you, let's shake hands !

Syndrome de l'expatrié ou pas, la France rame un max : pauvre France, doux pays de mon enfance, je ne te berce plus dans mon coeur. Foutage de gueule, course au pouvoir et au fric, tolérance mise au rebus. Liberté, égalité, fraternité : de jolis mots qui résonnent faux de nos jours. La liberté d'expression mise à mal, celle de travailler baffouée, d'avoir des espoirs anéantie.

Si une personne peut vous redonner confiance, il en vient 10 qui vous la font ravaler.

Je cherche du travail depuis 3 ans. 3 ans.

Got what both of you mean, James and Brian. Know what ? You're both right.

I' m allowed to say so, I' m French ! ;)

I use Credit Agricole. In my local branch there is a cctv camera pointing at the deposit machine etc and whenever I deposit cash I make sure I turn and count out the money in full view of the camera and then put it in the envelope with their copy of the deposit slip, seal it and then put it in the deposit drawer, all the while in full view of the camera. One time there was a discrepancy of some loose change, when I went in to show my deposit slip, I pointed out that I had deliberately turned and counted out and then deposited the money in full view of the camera. The money was credited back to my account the next day.

I know this doesn't help your current situation but hopefully may help you and others in the future. It may be worth looking to see where the camera is in your branch and if there is one, asking for the footage to be viewed in case it managed to record you putting the money in the envelope. Good luck.

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Very good idea Doreen.

I've chosen to add on to David's comment here James. But I could be adding to Andrew, Doreen, Hilary, Christine or others. Why here? Branson is why. My ex-wife and I were trustees with him on a charity board. Whilst working in Peru we were 'visiting' convicted criminals with 'parole' agreements in their city centre apartments as a favour to Richard. That was in a country where parole did not then exist but was bought, they were not allowed to work so who paid their rent, etc. It is a long time ago but there are missing bits of that 'saint's' history. We were in our 20s then, so let it go. We have learned since. No evidence mind you, but we have our views. He is also much disliked and distrusted by enough of the population for his cool and 'of-the-people' picture to be pure BS. Demi-god eh?

As for how obviously evil and devious the French must be because of your portrayal of the place as a hybrid North Korea cum DR Congo, the almost inherent dishonesty of La Poste, the rest of it. A real perfect piece of xenophobic paranoid essay writing worthy of UKIP/BNP back in the UK.

Not that you seem to trust the UK much more. I suggest you write to Richard, ask him for use of one of the Virgin balloons and drift away until you find somewhere that suits your narrow tastes. Things go wrong everywhere, but please do not restructure them as a put down of an entire nation for those who do not want such distasteful blurb thrown at us. Also, choose 'heroes' you know about, not just big toothy smiles on TV commercials that are, after all, aimed at pulling the ackers out of your pocket to enrich said person rather than being for your wellbeing.

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What a curiously bitter and twisted view of the world you have James. Patronising and offensive by turns. Why do you bother living here if you dislike/despise the French so much? For your information many Brits do not regard Richard Branson as a demigod ; quite the contrary.