Points on driving licence

That's interesting Michael because the points for 20kph over the limit is normally one. A clean licence has 12 points on it and each offence deducts points until you reach zero - then its loss of licence! It is not worth doing the stage until you have lost at least 6 points.

No-one has mentioned that if you do not change your licence for a French one you are liabe for a fine of 90€ on top of the motoring offence.

The points and fines go in stages depending on the limit in force. In a 50 limit you get higher points and steeper fines. The stages are: 0-20kph over the limit = 1 point. 20-40 kph over the limit = 2 points, 40+ over the limit = 3 points. Fines start at 45€ and upwards depending on the limit in force at the place of the offence.

The UK opted out of the information exchange so you won't get points added to your UK licence - but as has been stated earlier you may find yourself chatting to a gendarme regarding your failure to change your licence for a French one.

Sardines? Who mentioned sardines? :-)

I wish I could find the bit of paper I got when I took my "stage de récuperation de points" because on there it tells you how quickly you get them back IF you don't commit any more offences. I know for a 1 point offence it is now 6 months but I think for 3 it may be a year. As someone has said, you can apply to the prefecture for an access code that will allow you access to their website where you can check your current situation

You must have been going some to get three points!!!

Geoff, do you have a French license?

If not, just forget it...


Andrew is quite right about the letter but no on seems to have mentioned that the French authorities also write to inform you when the points are removed from your license. In the case of speeding I think it is three years but this may be wrong and the period may vary according to the offence.

are you by any chance related to Eric Cantona ?

You can have points taken away even if you do not have a French licence. This will happen if you have a French registered car in your name but do not have a French licence. This can happen if you have a holiday home that you spend less than six months per year at but you keep a French registered car on site. Once you have lost sufficient points you lose the right to drive in France no matter what licence you have. If you are in the country for more than six months of the year you are considered a resident as far as driving licences are concerned and you should really change your foreign licence for a French one.

@ Dominque - "what happens if you don't" - well after the umpteenth time a very nice gendarme pops round to see you or you get summonsed to the gendarmerie where they politely explain that you HAVE TO change for a French license (my case some years ago) I got away with it for 5 or 6 years but they caught up with me in the end; pain in the preverbial as I've lost a fair number of points (and had them refunded) in the last 5 or so years!

I have also been the recipient of several points, they are never shown on the licence, they are kept on central record. If you have a UK licence, it will say on your avis whether or not you have to change to a French licence. This is one of the few times that you are obliged to change your UK licence for a French one. Perhaps people should realise that not everyone can understand bureaucratic french. I understand most things but there are times when I receive an official letter, show it to a french friend for confirmation I have understood and they are just as baffled as me!

ok, points, As far as I remember from 2 years ago, if you have an English license, but your main residence is in France, and, you get points, you are supposed to change to a French license.

Now what does happen if you don't?

The all thing is worth checking, unless of course it is written on the notice.

As brave as and more. If I am sarcastic, it is for a reason. Please appreciate this thread is about driving licence issues and not esoterica.

Yes of course here they come together they unite.

Funny thing is how brave are you both face to face?

Seconded. Barbara, if I may make a comment, get somebody to set some of your words to music, Tangerine Dream style.

Barbara you become more obscure by the minute. Are we to use your utterances like some Zen Koan? Or is it like something from the Greek oracle? Baffling. I thought the conversation was about points on driving licences.

Not noticing something important is never accepted lightly by the person

who demonstrates the error.

It can due to poor concentration...perhaps just for that moment or touching on an ongoing

problem...stress or feeling unwell.

But there are those who relish the moment to pounce on others who appear

to be weak...if just for a second.

They make cruel remarks? Why?

This performance has a title and looks to collect followers.

I take my findings from understanding....

It is a brave and bright leader who attends to these attacks with full


thanks David.

It is advice such as this which renders the SFN unnecessarry woudn't you agree ;)

Incidentally why not read the notice. Might help!

That's assuming you have a French Licence.If you haven't then at present there doesn't seem (though I stand to be corrected) any means of transferring your points to a non French licence. Though such transfers are in process of being implemented.

no, the points don't appear anywhere. You lose three points and you'll get a letter in a few weeks telling you that. You don't have to do anything, it' all done automatically. Unfortunately I've had far too many letters like that...! :-O