Porn passports

Very true, its the minority like judges, bank managers, city traders etc

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Sex workers have almost all been exposed to sexual violence when young. For that reason, I canā€™t condone it.

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While that could well be true Iā€™d like to see a reference.

Iā€™d probably believe it of, say, street prostitutes but not all sex workers are prostitutes.


Also without customers no trade. The oldest profession even jesus had his friend.

I bow to your expert opinion.

Stop avoiding the need to provide evidence for your assertions.

The insinuation that I might use their services is a) noted and b) insulting.

I said I could believe it of street prostitutes because that is one of the very questionable parts of the industry where pimps are common and I could see that abused individuals might be more likely to end up working the street than other types of sex work.

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Not happy? Diddums.

Are you a mod, or a paid troll?

Begining to cross a line there.

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Survive France is a great, friendly forum which welcomes a very wide variety of opinions. One of my favourite features is that personal attacks are not welcome. Please donā€™t reduce yourself to the level of a troll who frequents the forum to cast aspersions and insult other users.


Quite, itā€™s an adult forum not a school playground.

To be honest, this person insisted elsewhere something that happened to me didnā€™t. Despite it being ten years ago and his not being there. I walked away from that, though I found it particularly offensive. And insulting.

Mods should moderate. Not inflame arguments. Needs to go on a moderatorā€™s training course.

Anyway, Iā€™m out of here.

I donā€™t think prostitution is, or has ever been a distinguishing feature of the ā€˜progressive Westā€™ .

I didnā€™t think there were any mods on here :thinking: just the owners.

Hitherto Iā€™ve been posting in an entirely personal capacity, trying to make sense of what can be an emotive subject and an industry that operates on the edges of morality and law.

As a mod I am compelled to remind you that ad hominem attacks are not permitted on SF.

Iā€™d say crossed.

And those who make assertions should back them up.

And most of the skinheads arenā€™t bald by choiceā€¦

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Touche :yum:

Thereā€™s one ā€œmodā€ at the moment - me, and Iā€™ve agreed with @cat Iā€™ll keep it strictly to removing obvious spam and ads as well as neutral admin bits like moving posts (at the posterā€™s request).

Though I might, occasionally and in a purely in a personal capacity (maybe), remind people about the no ad hominem rule.

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So not strictly a moderator, more admin housekeeper :yum::sunglasses:

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Basically :slight_smile:

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