Porn passports

I can always rely on you ! :joy::joy:

Do you think anyone would pay to see me bending over (whilst dressed in decathlon men’s hunting trousers - they are slightly shiny so think cheap East German hooker - plus wellies, five layers and a bobble hat) picking up horse poo? If so I am in and you and @SuePJ can be thĂ© ‘Madam’s ÂŽ - it has got to be easier money than teaching


I think we should include the husbands


I have a couple of cousins who are real Essex girls by their own admission. A few years back one told me that the way to choose your porno star name is to take the the name of your dog as a first name and your mothers maiden name as the surname.
Going by that, her porno name would be Rusty Perkins and mine Tawny Hogg !

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I’m Velvet ClĂ©ments. Has a nice ring to it I feel


One hates to be cynical but

Given that “mother’s maiden name” is a common security question you might just have been socially engineered :thinking:


My husband NEVER looked like that - he can get rid of that 5 o’clck shadow for a start! :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me tell you a story. My next-door neighbour’s mum was widowed, and after a short while she started a relationship with an online scammer. Not only did he get her to send him money, but he also got her to make ‘granny porn’ for him.

The market isn’t saturated, but it IS complicated.



No need to have actual humans in porn, AI is fully capable

Interesting thread. But I was surprised that accessing porn on line was immediately assumed to be accessing films of young women And that these women were probably coerced

For me, and I don’t think I’m alone, one of the joys of internet porn is it’s privacy and accessibility. I’m not interested in films because of the above. I don’t want to watch anything that may be abusive to anyone! But really enjoy the stories and occasionally the manga style porn.

Surely we are all sexual beings and sooner or later our own imagination benefits from some new stimulation. The internet is prefect for that.

Controlling the stuff uploaded and who can access it is not a new problem. But it seems better to pull it into the open and thus regulate it more easily.


The big horror of the porn industry is how it objectifies women

A bit late but do you mean in the same way that the fashion industry legitimises the objectification of women.The fashion industry is far worse ,as its upfront, in your face conform to this shape or you are worthless

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Two wrongs do not make anyone right

:rofl: I hope that was intentional

I think you might be conflating porn with erotica.
I struggle to find the line between what feels like a sensitive portrayal of healthy sex, and Porn.

I think porn is much more about selling goods or a lifestyle or when the description, be it film or photo or drawing, becomes violent or abusive or otherwise unnecessarily demeaning un the context it sits within


Sorry Jo, a poor attempt at being funny.