ah, two subjects always guarenteed to stimulate conversation amongst "we british" than outdoor lavatorials and eating out. the "pipi rural" seems to be carried out only in france and then by only the male gender. i am not by habit a "ruraller", maybe in past years on rugby tours, preferring the comfort, privacy and, in the main, solitude of a toilet. when we are out and about the memsahib and i normally greet the performer with a toot on the horn and a loud "bonjour".you do it your own way! we look upon restaurants as places of gratifying our hunger but must admit that do still practice some of the basic "manners" drummed into us in our younger days. i suppose we are forearms on the table people and i, much more than the memsahib, tend to lean towards the tactile approach to feeeding oneself. this is where the basket of bread on the table really comes into it's own. this was no more relevent than when we were in the process of house planning were taken out to eat by our entrepeneur, a virtuoso supreme of the tactile approach to eating. his hands were a constant blur when transferring foodstuffs, water, bread and of course napkin from table to mouth. this has rubbed off onto us somewhat and works very well.
Ruby Wax thought it gave a good clue to a man's potential in the bedroom department - "If he can't find a big hole like that........."
If only you understood the male anatomy a bit better Celeste you would realise that when sometimes aiming 'straight' the jet veers off in a different direction(s). Sometimes it's beyond our control !!!
It's all very circumspect but that's another story....
I reckon my ardour could be somewhat reduced if I came into contact with an electric fence !
Political correctness has practically destroyed the UK and when kicked out of the EU there will be no outsiders left to grieve
JAM JAR ??? If a man can't manage to aim into wc then what hope is there with a jam jar ???
Sounds very messy....
I obviously need to get out more Celeste !
I am sure you both meant "fewer".
The French, of course, do tend to take grammar quite seriously
Doreeen, two men standing side by side in a public urinal. Being boastful, one said to the other "Blimey, this water is cold !" Not to be outdone, the other came back with "Yes it is and it's deep too..."
Ooohh, painful !!!
Some men claim to!!!!!!!!
Great site Doreen, whats your username ?
Regarding poor aim as you put it. Why are women obsessed with the male inablility to aim into a miniscule target like a wc ? Sometimes 'things' are beyond our control (literally !). Roadside peeing for a male can be hazardous, the wind and blackberry bushes to name but two hazards...
Nice. I like how you put the two subjects together. Very nice!
I'm not either, but I would and I have :)
I was thinking more of the view, Peter - it sort of puts men peeing at the side of the road into the shy and conservative area.
Speaking of which, I was sat in my car after shopping and a man walked to the front of a car parked one space away - there was no car in between and the car in question faced a field, and just started peeing. He was quite aware I was sat there with my door open (nice day) and I just smiled at him when he'd finished.
The French have better, and cleaner, shoes than the Brits. I never see anyone mention this but it was one of the first things I noticed when I arrived.
"Women over 60 have less inhibitions..."
Great Doreen, do you have any addresses ?
I was told that for women over the age of 60 it is legal for them to pee in the gutter.
And no, I'm not, and, no, I haven't.
The French are less prudish about bodily functions. In the UK, this could result in a charge of indecent exposure. But even my French wife says she feels uncomfortable having to push past the men standing at the urinals when using public toilets.
Bugger !
I often have a pee at the side of the road in France and sometimes in England (I'm English) - very handy for men with prostate problems. If you can't handle this (no puns intended) maybe you'ld be happier back in England.