Profoundly depressed!

Oh, that’s strange then. Don’t households work in France?

If they do, I don’t know where they are hiding and what language is being used to describe how to go about setting them up.

Just given up and bought it for him. Late birthday present. :slight_smile: This of course will be the moment that someone comes along and explains to me what I should have done. :roll_eyes:


Please, relax… you’v e done wonderfully well not to have thrown yourself under the nearest bus :wink: :wink:

Celebrate his birthday (who cares how late it is…)… :+1:


What I do with the ghastly Amazon in order to find where things are on the French website, is to open the English website as well and use the same menu items of each, regardless of what they’re called. That usually works well, so I looked at “Setting up a household on the UK site” and found that the equivalent item on the French menu was all about network password protection and didn’t contain a similar interface at all…

Commiserations, @SuePJ - I don’t think it’s you that’s the problem :hugs:

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I’m sorry I was no help - but well done for finding a (sort of) solution :upside_down_face:

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@SuePJ You’re building a website???
My frustration today was getting Virgin Money to accept a change of email address and password. After being led fruitlessly all over the site and not finding the right button I discovered I was on the wrong page.

Finally got it done and confirmed but then got a text saying they needed more info to complete. ‘Just connect to the app’ I don’t have an app. I have a telephone. :rage:And a computer, that’s all. :rage:
OK, ring this number. I did and finally got a human after goodness knows how many delays. She confirmed that the deed was done so what did I want. ‘Nothing I said, they told me to come here for verification’. ‘Oh’ she said 'no idea why they said that, I’ll just pass you to my colleague. Noooo, too late she was gone and a new voice crooned ‘all our idiots are on important calls at the mo…etc.’

15 minutes later I gave up and counted the cost, €5 that I will never get back in this life or the next. :slightly_frowning_face:

Just off now to see if my new password is current. :roll_eyes:

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Only one where all the work is done for me - Squarespace has all these templates, which sometimes frustrates me as I have my own ideas about what I want to do and they don’t always let me.

And OH is managing to download it. Amazon has sent me an email telling me I can download it for myself as well! :woman_facepalming:


I’m deeply grateful you haven’t managed to do it. :slight_smile:

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I was in the same situation, and ended up taking mine to the garage, where the chap said, sure, just prise it off…but gently :man_facepalming:

Turns out, there was a trick to it after all, otherwise I would have broken the cover…

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I had no problem with that. I’d installed a new batt’y. It was when the guy in Peugeot Vire tested the circuit board and declared it dead - new one €300-and-something ! :astonished:

Peugeot …

Regarding the book on kindle, if it was possible to send to someone else, copywrite wouldn’t work.
Your husband will have to read it on your kindle, I wouldn’t have a problem with my husband doing that, but we all work differently.

Sorry Katie, but if you look at blogs and books like this one, you’ll see that it IS possible to share within family/household, just as one can pass a “real book” onto someone else. Just not in France!

I see you now have a solution to your kindle problem. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It works, I have 2 Kindles on the go at the same time, I balance them up each time I finish reading one. I never run out of battery and, I can read the illuminated one without the light on if I have a sleepless period in the night. But they are both registered to me. I was told by Amazon that you can have as many Kindles in your own name as you like


Yes I’m sure that’s true but that’s isn’t what Sue was saying, she wanted to send a book to her husband?

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I’m just impressed that David is giving advice on techy subjects :+1:


Not a kindle sharing problem but
my experience of Amazon Kindle (publishing) is entirely positive.
I have used/tried to use a number of self publishing websites and always return to Amazon . Amazon is a giant that some feel is a monster but for me life would not be better without it.

I merely said how I found a way round it, if having 2 Kindles under one name makes it work, why would a married couple object to that?

@_Brian I’m impressed you’re impressed, but I do have to admit that my success in this area came via my son who teaches IT and who gifted me my 4th Kindle and wrestled with the problems caused by him as the purchaser being listed as the owner. He had to transfer the ownership to me involving dealing with a tri-national difficulty between Thailand, England and France. :joy: :rofl: