Question regarding boundary of house

There are at least 2 or 3 clusters of houses that are up to 1km or a bit more away cross-country from us - and much further away on different roads - that share our same Lieu-dit name.

Deliveries were often notified as “failed” without any attempt to deliver being made. Especially if the van was coming from big depots 30-130 miles away like Brive or Toulouse. The reason is the Lieu-dit address is not recognised by their route planning / satnav system when they plan the day’s route.

However I have now found a solution. We are lucky in that a restaurant 1km from us has gone from strength to strength. It is now very popular. Having started as a roadside cafe then bistro. Now fullblown and expanding restaurant.

It’s on a roundabout so people driving remember it and it has reviews on Google Maps. I now put "Proche Restaurant [name] as the second line of my address with my tel. no. for any delivery. It works splendidly, like nothing ever has before, and I get my deliveries mostly without even being phoned. They can find their way from the restaurant. So obviously a restaurant tunes in well as a landmark in France :slight_smile:


Growing up in rural Surrey / Sussex / Kent we used to navigate from pub to pub. :grin:

It’s a new house, built on the main road through the commune and has two distinct plots making up the property. I entered first department, then selected our commune from a pull down list, then the road name from a pull down list, and then entered the number. No lieu-dit. If I put next doors details in, which are identical to mine except the number increases by 2, then the correct plots are highlighted for next doors property. It’s strange, and maybe a bit worrying.

If yours is a new house… perhaps it’s not yet been entered into the cadastre…

Have a word at your Mairie… they’ll sort it and/or put your mind at rest.

It’s all relative @stella. When I say ‘new’, I mean new for the average Brit buyer. It’s actually 9 years old, which should be time enough to sort things out I would imagine. Time to ask the Mairie as you suggest I think.

It looks as if the mayor has succeeded in his campaign, as the tenant has now given notice. :frowning:

Oh, dear! After all your efforts! I do hope she will find somewhere where she can safely bring up her children.

Where exactly is it?

Did you ever speak with the Notaire…???
@SuKe I’ve sent you a Message…

I imagine she must have found somewhere as she has given notice, and I hope it will work out for her. I think a social assistant is looking after her.

The house is in Gencay, sud-Vienne. I’ll be looking for a new tenant as from 1st March.

I have an appointment with the mayor tomorrow and the notaire next week. Thank you for your email, I will reply.

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In the meantime SuKe, explore all avenues to ascertain the legal position of your frontage, just in case it happens again.

Yes, I will thank you. I suspect it is unlikely to happen again if the mayor approves of the new tenant when we get one, but we do need to know. All our previous tenants have had items beside the steps and also in an unused little corner of the footpath, with no complaints. I think that this has been a very personal attack by the mayor on this particular tenant.

Good idea David. In fact I think Suke could consider if potentially wasting a lot, lot of the time of the mayor humbly and fearfully and above all repetitively and ideally in front of witnesses asking for such assurances, would make her feel more secure she understands the boundary correctly. In fact I’d ask eventually after having fearfully brought it up a number of times, for something in writing confirming this. In the case of hesitation, I might even earnestly humbly seek advice as to whether there is someone in the prefecture ( or wherever is 3 levels or so above the mayor) who might be able to provide you with this as obvs it’s been a very worrying time.


I’ve never met the man so I don’t know what to expect. The tenant says he’s un connard, other people think he’s great. I hope he can allay my fears and not make me cry.

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