Request to those who wish to debate politics

perhaps the bare necessities of life in Paris :thinking:

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You shouldnt have let your lover wear your fur coat :thinking:

I don’t mind smokers and vapers make me howl with laughter, especially the ones who have their robot’s knob, err vape set to emit “New Pope elected” amounts of vape clouds.

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why? So I can attract people who just regurgitate and cherry pick the bits they like without making any effort to verify the facts.

Doesn’t sound like you like your friends very much :rofl:

Maybe if you “quoted” whatever you’re commenting on we’d have a chance to follow the discussion.


Keep digging David, keep digging :joy:

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not worth the effort, fur coats has a lot more subject matter

Moderator made me delete this perfectly acceptable comment despite it not being against the CoC or crossing any lines.


hey that is someone upset. I was constructing websites way back, why spend hours doing it when Google takes minutes, I have more interesting things to do in life now. As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating not on some daft comment totally off subject. If and when the site doesn’t get good results I will consider it again. What are you trying to prove?

Another subject now then do not talk politics,religion and smoking to make friends and influents people I am sticking to the weather

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I feel like we’ve all had enough weather for this year and it’s only August, maybe cross that off the list too :rofl:

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I have had enough buggering off to Greece to see how they cope

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Not upset at all, you’re just behaving like a childish fool rather than a normal grownup human being who can have pleasant conversation with other grownup human beings. There was no need for you to attempt to belittle me when I was just making a lighthearted joke, and certainly not when you barely seem to have your basic shoot together yourself.

There are too many people on here who don’t actually want to contribute to the discourse, but just snark, snipe and moan, and while this place generally is, and should be, a welcoming place for all, I’m getting to the point where I’d just rather people actually make an effort or naffed off elsewhere, if you don’t like the conversation, keep schtum and find some conversation you do like, preferably here in a different thread or if not somewhere else. It’s not my place to say this so I apologise Cat and James, but good grief.


It seems not, unless you mean getting on fora and pissing other contributors off :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Stick to the weather it is not worth it No doubt both of you make valuable contributions and help others, chill out. I have great days upsetting Daily Mail readers on line but it is not personal


This made me chuckle :joy:

I was confused. I actually thought “The Lounge” was where men went to meet Ladies of the Evening :innocent:

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Thats a different level entirely😉

That explains The Lodge - overnights :grin: