Roses - before yesterday's rainstorm

Beautiful Sue. Would not have thought they would like the heat down there

What heat??? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
In fact roses just adore this part of France. Maybe the soil rather than the climate.
They certainly are at their best when the temperatures are in the teens and low twenties because they last longer. When it gets into the thirties then they “go over” very quickly.
They are also at their very best during May and June when they flower profusely. That said, because we have gite guests in July and August I’ve bought some roses that carry on right through the summer.
And most give us a very good second flush in September / October and some flower right through to Christmas.

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Same here in 24 gorgeous displays everywhere! Our main street even has holes cut in the pavement where old ones are growing in front of houses!


Wow, that late. I would love that,