S1 form + Carte Vitale + Mutuelle

Same here Jane (CHU Toulouse) but mine have been added - I never mentioned it, my CV does have the sticker on it but not sure that makes any difference…

Over 5 million DMP’s have already been created as of 16 April 2019. - the article shows come stats on what’s been added and by whom.

The system is basically still in the ‘roll out’ phase, so there will be progressively more and more places where the info is automatically added to the DMP as time goes on.
I opened my DMP online, so my CV does not have a sticker, and yet the Poitiers CHU has still started to add info to my DMP without me having asked them to do so.

In the meantime, I think that the most important things to upload onto the DMP are the most recent blood test results, any reports from specialists, and things such as a list of allergies and long term pre-existing conditions. Basically the sort of stuff that a Doctor at A & E would need to know in respect of an unconscious patient that they have never seen before.

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I’m currently filing my tax return and have recently got my S1, dose anybody know how to put this on the tax return please

Hello Jan and welcome to the Forum…

Please could you put your Full Name on the Registration… if you are not sure how to do that… simply give us your Full Name and I will amend the Registration for you.

Is this a Paper Declaration or are you on-line with the Tax folk ???

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The tax people are only interested in your world-wide taxable income. If you mean that you have an S! and are therefore exempt from social charges, being UK retired, there is provision on either the 2042 or 2047 (can’t remember which) to add such information. However, if your income is in the form of UK pensions, which is common, then the penny should drop anyway. But probably still wise to remind them (as I did). (Numpties are not only employed by the UK civil service).

I think this depends entirely on your general level of health. For our first year, we were paying €120 pm for both of us but we then stopped it since we’re both in fairly rude health (I’ve been to the doc twice in 9 years, both times with what turned out to be trivial things). We have found that overall, the extra odd 30% has cost us around €125 a year paying cash. So I think we’ve actually saved somewhere in the region of €12k over our time here. Plus the mutuelles don’t necessarily pay out all the extra. After all, they’re in it to make a profit. As I said, depends if you think you’re going to have a chronic illness, and I believe even that is covered 100% if you have to take medication for ever.

Wrong! They’re interested in your gross income and also some assets above a certain ‘trigger’.

Did it occur to you, even fleetingly, that some SF contributors / readers may have family and / or friends working as fonctionnaires i.e. within the French civil service?

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Not all chronic illnesses are covered 100%, only 30 or them. Our reluctant reason for deciding to go for a mutuelle was the possible prospect of needing a major operation where we would want to go to the best specialist and extra cost not covered by the secu could run into thousands. It’s peace of mind, like most insurances.


Either use box 8SH or 8SI on form 2042C, or use the ‘Notes’ section on page 2 of form 2042 and insert the words “Revenus de pensions de retraite britanniques de €(amount) exempts de CSG et CRDS parce que je ne suis pas a la charge de l’assurance maladie francaise.”
Page 57 of French Income Tax 2019 guide published by The Connexion and also available from newsagents refers.

The Carte Vitale takes ages. They lost my file the first time, after I was very careful to apply before the 3-month timescale. I applied first in November, then sent another lot of papers in January and still haven’t heard anything. Now of course it doesn’t matter - because we’re not leaving until
October…yawn…I read on the French Ministiere d’Intereure website that an EHIC card if you have one, will cover you for the first year. At least, that’s what I read…

Thank you Robert.

Maybe that is not well put, but if we are now unable to criticise poor performance because it might upset their family, we have reached the bottom of political correctness.

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@jan11 … you possibly missed my message of welcome and asking you to put your Full Name… :thinking:

As I said… if you do not know how to amend your Registration, simply type your full name here… on this thread … and I will amend it for you…

In your opinion Jane however, I consider the comment pompous, rude and derisory - if that’s being politically correct then so be it! ::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I see a Carte Vitale smartphone app is about to roll out for testing this summer - great idea!

Great idea indeed, now all I need is a signal here in ‘the sticks’ and it will be perfect :wink:


Ann - don’t you have any mobile cover at all i.e. no providers ?? I guess you’ve got ADSL / Internet though or you wouldn’t be online (!) - your smartphone will always work via WiFi and at other locations with mobile and/or WiFi networks.

Hope you’re doing ‘‘ok’’ (crap word I know!)…

Hi Simon, when I have Internet I can now use my 'phone, however I am at the end of the line (in more ways than one) and often have deconnexions that shut everything down.

It’s great that you are now back to posting, hope that you are enjoying life and golf. I take one day at a time, like most of us do I expect…

Lots of sorting out still to do but I will get there, managed to have a few hours trying to tame the jungle that was formely my garden :wink:

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