Selling a car in a poor condition

I have not sold a car in France before, so I would like advice on the following.
I have a car that I wish to sell because it has some problems that would be pricey to fix.
Yet I know that the car would have some people interested in buying it.
Would it be legal to arrange for a CT, get the CT done (knowing that it is going to have a list of problems that need fixing), and simpy pass this on to the new potential owner?
Its current CT is from 18 months ago.


The CT will give a list of minor/major/critical faults. If critical, it ca t be drivenon the road after 23.59 the same day. If major, it still has a new CT (dont know if it applues to critical faults) and can be sold. The buyer has 2 months to get it fixed znd re-tested. The CT (pass or fail) must be less than 6 months old.
Loads of info on here about CT etc, just do a search

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Yes, it is legal provided that the sale is made within the 2 month failure window. This does not apply if any of the failed items are marked as critical.
The purpose of this rule is to ensure that the buyer has a good idea of the car’s problems so cannot claim to have been misled.
It pays to be as honest as possible though as some issues such as a cambelt being well past its change date are not part of the test but would upset a buyer if it snapped just after he paid for the car.


You can sell the car with a written notice “dans etat”, sold as seen.

I thought that we’d previously discussed that this was not possible - a car with a critical failure can only be sold to a garagiste (or ?? scrapped).

Blimey, do people still believe that it means anything??

This is from -

“Vendu en l’état” sur une carte grise barrée

Inscrire la mention “vendu en l’état” sur le certificat d’immatriculation (carte grise) ne vous protège pas, cela n’a aucune valeur juridique . En effet, l’acheteur peut toujours se retourner contre vous en arguant un vice caché ou un défaut. De plus, s’il s’agit d’un véhicule hors d’usage (VHU), ce dernier ne peut être remisé qu’à un centre VHU agréé pour la destruction, le broyage et la dépollution. En revanche, vendre ou faire reprendre son automobile à un professionnel vous dégage de toute responsabilité.