Selling on Ebay

Looks like a nice camera.

I’ve not looked in huge detail - eBay sales in the UK seem to be in the region of £500-600, some in Japan have gone for twice that, might reflect the local market conditions; none have sold recently in France.

If you do list it I would not put it up for auction, wait until you are offered a discount on selling fees and list it BIN, medium format film is going to be quite a niche market these days.

Sadly it doesn’t look like you can get a digital back for them - at least not cheaply (there *might* exist adapters for Hasselblad backs but that’s not a budget game, I am sure).

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Is it 645? I had a Mamiya 645 outfit which I still hanker after. If a digi back for it were not so eyewateringly expensive I’d be tempted to revert to that.

It had the auto exposure prism, motor wind grip - handled like a 35mm. I bought 45mm and 55mm lenses in NYC [if you’re going to smuggle stuff, make it high value/small objects] to go with the 80mm ‘standard’ and a 150mm. There were 3-4 film backs, lots of accessories …

The bizarre thing about my Mamiya kit was that, apart from the 45 and 55, it all came neatly set in an ali case from a bloke advertising it in one of the main photo monthlies, at the going rate.

I met him at Liverpool St station, did the deal with my photo account cheque, he signed an itemised receipt with all the part numbers on - all fine and dandy.

Some weeks later a knock on my door and two guys in mufti were standing there.

“I am Detective Sgt Smith” said one. Feeling in a jovial mood and not aware of having committed any crimes I quipped back, "And I suppose he is Detective Sgt Jones… "

Turned out that everything I bought at L/pool St stn was stolen.

I thought I was going to lose the lot but, having shown them the signed itemised receipt, the fact that the tea-leaf had take a cheque, that the prices were the going rate, Smith & Jones surmised that I had gone about the purchase in a patently honest manner, had bought it in good faith and could not remotely be pinged for receiving stolen goods. They said I could keep it. The victim studio had been paid by their insurance company.

The villain’s home was found to be stuffed with stolen photo equipment. Based in Norfolk, he had systematically raided all the studios in East Anglia.

My evidence at his trial was a written statement. I think I had a convenient overseas gig at the time.

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What a tale! Really pleased you got to keep the camera!

Mine is a Bronica SQ-AI 6x6. The lenses are 80mm, 150 and 50 mm. All are great.

The other thing I have which I am not selling, is an old Crown Graphic,5x4 press camera which I ended up using quite a bit.

There is also a Speed Graphic which is a bit scruffier but works which I will sell…

Would love to see some of your photos!

I know we are slightly getting away from eBay but I think it is permissible thread drift?

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stick in the search bar - don’t Google. Needs updating with more stuff but phot editing gear still in removals mode.

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Thanks for the link to your site. I loved the USA shots in particular. Strange seeing the twin towers!

Yes. I keep those photos ‘in memoriam’. I have a friend who overslept and failed to make his RdV in one of the towers.

Going to the observation deck it was amazing to see the flight path of light aviation below one’s position.

Seeing aircraft below you is definitely very weird, especially if it’s a large passenger jet. I’ve only seen it twice, the first being a US A10 thunderbolt II doing simulated low level ground attacks in the Lake District and an A320 (I think) in the Andes on approach to Cusco, flying in a valley below us.