Shamima Begum

I also think there should be no ’ religious 'schools of any kind. Be they C of E, RC, Muslim, Jewish or whatever. School is not the place for religion.


Agree, faith schools are an anachronism and the smaller ones often severely lacking when it comes to education.

We did look at the local Catholic school for N°1 son as it has a good reputation and takes 50% non-church but in the end didn’t feel it was the best option.

The Catholic school in Cluny is private and has a reputation for taking the children that have been asked to leave state schools.

In the tv footage shown at lunchtime she was wearing western clothes, tight jeans and top.
Throwing off the extreme Muslim clothes and trying to improve her image.

It depends, if you decide that you don’t want to be C of E or Methodist the outcome is not in the same league as disavowal of Islam.

She is of Bangladeshi heritage not Pakistani.

It’s a s**t situation for both her and the UK government but the latter had no choice other than to take a tough line, imagine the public outcry if they had let her back in and she then was part of a terrorist attack.

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The outcry from the tory voters you mean.

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I’m not a Tory voter and I’d be pretty annoyed


She was a willing participant in the Taliban’s reign of terror. Her British citizenship must remain voided and her feet never allowed to touch British soil again.


I think most experts in cults, mind control and coercive control would take issue with this statement very strongly. Not that I feel strongly either way, so have no desire so get into a back and forth, but it does seem a rather remarkable statement to make.


Not just ‘experts in cults, mind control and coercive control’ Kirstea - any attentive parent of 15-year-olds will know for sure it’s just not as simple as all that.

Tim and Florian are right - politicians’ actions on such issues tend to have little to do with truth or justice or common sense, and everything to do with the prejudices and noise level of their constituents.

and the safety of the population at large.

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Governaments can say as they please because of the control of the all media that they have But to be 15 years old married, raped , by UK law ,three children all dead, stripped of nationality on the pretense that she has a right to another nationality. Seems a little over the top. You have just embittered someone who could have been “treated” and have her experience used to help others in the same situation that she was in. She wasn’t radicalised at 15 it will have been started well before she left.

except for the existence of the Supreme Court which has determined in this case :thinking:

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Has anyone seen the latest risk assessments and intelligence reports on Begum ,which these decisions will have been made on?

If you honestly believe that you are barking.
Decisions will be made on what is politically palatable.



Point me in their direction and I’ll have a good read. Always good to be as informed as possible.

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If, and it is a very big IF UK govt has acted appropriately in this case then I have no issue, but I have a feeling they have not. It would appear to me that she is(was) British - she is clearly not Bangladeshi but does family from there.

The you was meant as a plural. I probably should have said ‘anyone’. I am sure you personally are far too intelligent to fall for such drivel.

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