Six Years - And Still No Inheritance

From previous forum memberships - yes! Frustrating nevertheless to plough through if you are trying to lay hands on the advice you have been given! Nevermind

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Sorry. It’s John Scully’s fault. Any mention of Jack Duckworth gets me excited.

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Oh sorry I never thought, you listen to the Sunday omnibus do you? I always listen to the first airing on a podcast in bed before reading and sleep. I didn’t give much of importance away though did ?

No, you didn’t. I do hope Eddie’s ferrets haven’t gone all transgender.

There’s also this Vera … maybe not so famous…

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My wife’s an avid fan of the programme. Me less so, but I quite like the Land Rover. There’s an expensive car showroom near us, Porsches, Lambos, Ferraris, etc and in amongst them the centre piece is an immaculate Series II in that classic faded green colour. They’re becoming very collectable.

You can have those, I’ll take the Landy. And Vera. And that gorgeous white Lurcher I saw her with the other day. :joy: