Student internship visa without school

I found a student internship position but it is not directly through the school. I would be a stage working for a professor. I am not sure how to get a visa through études en France or if there is a program for “professional internship.” Has anyone applied for a visa this way? I was hoping a can have the professor write a document for me but she thinks I need to go through études en France to sponsor the visa. There isn’t a program specific in études on France for my program. But I hope there is still a possibility to get a long stay visa working as her stage. Please let me know if you have any advice! Thank you!

Is this a way in which you think you can extend your existing student visa which expires in June ???

Yeah, I would like to extend my visa if possible. But the conditions are different because I would be doing a student internship this time.

And that means I would have to change the conditions of my visa or continue to extend the current on I have at a school program unrelated to the student internship. Again, the internship is not sponsored by the school but I would be be working directly with a professor on her personal study.

Go through the ciep, ring your local rectorat and ask them for the contact person and their details. The ciep handles all foreign assistants.

Also just for info, professors (in English) teach at university, and professeurs are teachers in schools or universities.

Edited to add that the deadline for applying to be an assistant may well be past but apply nevertheless, chances are it will work.

Edited again to add that it would be unusual for you to be a stagiaire in a school because that is the term we use for someone who has got their master’s degree and succeeded in the competitive civil service teaching exam and is doing a year of training on the job with a half timetable and the other half of the week at the INSPE.

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