Subsidence in old Alsatian house

English landlord….?? Skimped on the insurance?


Well, if he’s skimped on the insurance and now has no one to cover his back when nearby construction has destroyed his house…

Agreed but he seems totally against even trying, saying that would be a risk and costly. Also that the Mairie and these big construction companies are in cohorts essentially, I don’t want to say corrupt as it’s too sting a word, perhaps. But this is his reasoning. I think as soon as the structural engineer comes out, it will be completely obvious that this is the cause.

Yes English landlord but don’t believe he skimped on insurance…however as the drilling started very close to the house, I raised my concerns multiple times and he didn’t seem interested to come and check what they are doing…

I have all the communication and pictures from when it started so he cannot say he didn’t know anything. It’s less than ideal staying with friends but my ex is also being amazing and the kids can also stay there and even I can if necessary. I just feel perhaps a lot could have been avoided but it is what it is…


I know that subsidence can take many years before it’s dangerous, however it’s only been 4-6 months and is already extensively damaged (from what my eyes can see, obviously not a professional) so my worry is if it’s moving this fast, can it be that it ends up dangerous much sooner

English landlord ???


Who, with no disrespect…does not know his arsé from his elbow,

Just move OP.

It is not your problem.

Agree, but my landlord has been informed from the very beginning, I’m not sure how could be at fault here…as soon as I started noticing changed, I raised them immediately and have proof of this.

I can for sure leave and stay with friends but just “moving” is not straight forward here at all. There has to be somewhere to move to…I have been looking for the last year before this even occurred due to the apartment being built as it’s towering over my garden. If I could have moved before now, I would have…

You will have to move sooner or later. Its a given.

You have some big decisions to make.

How on earth did you end up with an English landlord in Alsace ?

It’s incredibly international. We live 15 mins from the Swiss and German border. Everyone works in pharmaceuticals or aviation in Basel. Loads of English landlords/lady’s here

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Yes, salaries higher in Switzerland and cost of living lower in France. We saw many doing the same in Geneva when we lived in Isere.

We’re going to Bâle in a few weeks for a concert, and were shocked by the prices!! Seemed higher than Genève (if that’s possible!)

Anyone seen the news this morning ?

Narrowing that down a bit and a link might be helpful :wink:


In the last couple of years, I have read about buildings collapsing in Bordeaux, Lille and elsewhere.
Sometimes folk have raised the alarm with the authorities and the buildings have been evacuated in advance…
But sometimes there has been no warning.
On occasion, blame is laid on insufficient-repairs (if any) by the owner/landlord…
Or damage caused by drought/works/whatever…
Sometimes the collapse has been due to explosions… (as might be the case in this latest happening… investigations are ongoing)

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Thanks Stella :sunglasses:, it ooks like a gas explosion not subsidence.

Sometimes an explosion (and/or fire) happens as a result of the collapse… so not necessarily the cause…
Investigations into the state of the building prior, etc etc… will take time
Sadly, as of this morning, inhabitants of the collapsed building have still not been located…

With a fire in the rubble the chances don’t look good of finding any survivors :pensive:

Likewise, the Swiss food shop and buy fuel in France and Germany as it’s largely cheaper…:woman_shrugging:

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