Suggestions please - what if anything to offer as gift to retiring mayor and his team and new mayor?

Let’s be clear… the poor man who died… .was a candidate… and many people voted for him out of respect/love 'cos he was a really good man.

Wasn’t Trump’s query over “dead” voters… ??

Oops, sorry Stella. I was trying to be funny…
Won’t happen again !!
It is amazing how much a really good maire can improve his or her commune just by tweaking things a bit.

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Not at all Peter, no problem… I agree with you… it was surreal. In the end, we were all laughing (amidst our tears) on Election Day…

He had been Adjoint for some years, always refusing the role of Maire… until he retired and then he went full at it and, of course, won hands down… and was a first class Maire.

We have to fight to keep the “others” at bay, every Election… the others who make wild promises to try and win votes… but, thankfully, the majority of folk know a good’un when they see one. Even so, it is always nail-biting time when the votes are counted.

Our previous maire, after having been found guilty of harassment of an employee is now facing charges of financial abuse ie diverting money from accounts etc. I have no idea if the charges are realistic or not.

I’ll be interested to hear how that turns out…

Sounds like a real bad egg to me.