Tax implications selling our house in UK

Totally agree with you, Karen. The % allowances on costs of purchase, and on renovations strike me as being both generous and very pragmatic, given many people’s difficulties in retaining/locating documents substantiating relevant costs going back years …

I woukd think so. That’s what we did for sale of French place.

Wunderbar! Thanks Karen, George and Jane.

Depending on whether the house sells before 6 April, we’ll either have quite a small UK CGT bill or a larger one (the UK CGT allowance drops from £6000 to £3000 next tax year).
If it’s large, ie we sell after 6 April 2024, we could well end up with a negative figure for the French CGT liability (ie once we’ve claimed the credit for UK tax paid). In which case I suppose we would enter that negative figure in the final box and there would be nothing to pay in France.