The Saga of Roundup/Chemicals Continues

The point about vaccines though is that these known toxins are injected into the bloodstream thereby circumventing the body’s natural defences and immune system…and yes glysophate is high in the MMR but I didn’t mean to turn the discussion into one about vaccines…just worth keeping in mind…

Yes I agree this is definitely about future lawsuits…and I’m pleased the lawsuits are piling up…I can’t see that Our Planet ever had any need for round up ready genetically modified seeds in the first place…x :frowning:

Edited to add…cocaine…I see Elon Musk is in hot water for allegedly providing cover for drug trafficking…!

Bollox, mostly :slight_smile:

It is true that the gut has a lot of immune system embedded in it - mostly to keep all the bacteria that like to live there (and almost certainly keep us healthy doing so) inside the gut and not inside us (where they would switch from benefactor to pathogen). However glyphosate is not the sort of molecule that our immune system is especially geared up to deal with.

Somewhat more important is the fact that blood flow from the gut goes to the liver first - possibly glyphosate might be metabolised a bit in the liver but it is mostly excreted unchanged. I mucked up the second link so I will fix that and suggest you read the paper. Daily exposure to glyphosate is estimated by the authors at 0.1–1 μg/kg/day - so 2-20μg/day for a 20kg child, 7-70 for a 70kg adult, nanogram quantities a few times in your lifetime are a drop in the ocean even if injected.

PS - just to be clear on a few things since I’m trying to hold onto my sanity by looking at very narrow points and I don’t really want these to be extrapolated to suggest I am a fan of Monsanto (I’m not).

Monsanto is moderately evil (about average for a large corporate body), it is quite happy to pay politicians to keep their noses out of its business. Probably to keep other peoples noses out of their business as well.

Glyphosate might have problems but, as herbicides go, it is probably one of the less toxic and it plays a big part in feeding the world.

You are right to be cautious about chronic background exposure to “odd” molecules in the environment - I’m not a fan of this either but will note that our environment is stuffed full of natural toxins anyway and we have evolved to deal with this.

We are getting much better at statistical analysis of data to pull out small adverse effects, several drugs and products have been withdrawn because of this yet glyphosate has accumulated no solid evidence against it.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy :wink:


Thankyou for the link which I have just read…

“The underestimation of the toxicity of a commercialized product is known to have devastating effects on public health. Although it has long been asserted by both industry and regulatory agencies that glyphosate is safe even at relatively high daily intake levels (for example, 1.75 mg/kg bw/day in the US), major gaps in its evaluation have been identified and need to be addressed in order to definitely conclude on its safety (9, 10). For example, glyphosate has never been tested alone at its acceptable daily intake or at doses relevant for human exposures. Only recently have studies been published that reveal kidney and especially liver structure and functional damage in rats following chronic ingestion of an ultra-low, environmentally relevant dose of a glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup) (37, 38). In addition, major endpoints of toxicity, such as developmental, reproductive, transgenerational, and even chronic effects in adults still need to be investigated under controlled laboratory animal conditions, at environmentally relevant doses, using feed and water free from incidental glyphosate contamination. Indeed, most glyphosate toxicity studies have been performed without controlling for glyphosate contamination in food or water of laboratory animals used as “non-exposed” controls, even though this feed has been found to be regularly contaminated by glyphosate residues”

Many years ago I unfortunately had to have an autopsy done on a puppy…the results showed he had died from glyphosate poisoning…life goes on as it does but it does tend to leave many questions that never go away…

On a different note but related…x :slight_smile:

It must have been devastating to loose your puppy but I am curious how the diagnosis of glyphosate poisoning was reached. Evidence would suggest that needs continuous high levels of exposure over a prolonged period of time.

As to the section you quoted it is merely calling for more research which is quite reasonable.

Do not leave out the conclusion:

Emphasis mine.

Yes I read that too Paul…I read the whole article…Thankyou for sharing it…it may well turn out that it is not just glyphosate alone but the reactions between the different compounds used to make “round-up”…Dicamba worries me too…highly volatile and prone to drift…My puppy was covered with glyphosate and chlorpyrifos…first line on the report said he “smelled strongly of chemicals”…I didn’t use any chemicals on either my small amount of land or my pets…

Well yes I can agree on a scale of “evilness” that Monsanto could be considered as “moderately evil”…in fact my first early research was into Dow chemical and DuPont and then Bayer and Monsanto and their patents…(the patent on a pig was shocking to me…)

Novartis Astazeneca Dow Chemical DuPont Bayer and Bayer Syngenta BASF ChemChina…What is It now…??? Four agribusinesses in control…???

I disagree that these corporate monstrosities are needed to feed the world and that we should just put up with them and stay silent…

(I’m gonna stop now as I can feel my self wanting to go off on a tangent about all the starving millions in Yemen and…)

Was it a patent on the whole pig or just some modified gene?

I must admit that I am sceptical about patents on genes - perhaps if one designed some completely novel protein, not found in nature, then one could reasonably patent the DNA to code for that protein but tweaking a couple of base pairs, an amino acid here or there does not, to my mind, add to the millions of years evolution took to hone the natural variety.

That said the patent system is not fit for purpose, especially the US patent system so I almost view this idiocy as a symptom of a deeper malaise.

We do need a system whereby companies can protect their intellectual property and financial gains from applying that intellectual property - for a fixed amount of time - but I confess that the current situation where some several thousand patents have been granted on bits of the human genome - my genome - is not one I find acceptable (sadly there is little I can do about it).

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It’s a while ago now…maybe 2005…(?) but as I recall Monsanto were trying to patent the dna of pigs and the offspring that grew well/made the best use of/ their genetically modified corn…an “unholy” (staying with an “evilness” theme…) alliance of agribusiness and biotech…

There have been many challenges over our rights to our own human dna such as tissue samples /blood samples/ removed organs during operations/ etc…the subsequent profiting of biotech corporations from our cell lines…huge issues revolving around informed consent…and of course it could be argued that corporations profiting from facial recognition and retina scans are also using what is indisputabley our own unique dna albeit in digital format…

Then there’s the question of patenting a plant…not only in regards to round up ready genetically modified seeds already forced onto the market for commercial gain but also such plants as cannabis…and should the likes of Monsanto et al be able to claim a patent on a genetically modified version of one of mother earth’s freely given medicinal companion plants (one amongst many)…???


““Monsanto Years”

You never know what the future holds in the shallow soil of Monsanto, Monsanto
The moon is full and the seeds are sown while the farmer toils for Monsanto, Monsanto
When these seeds rise they’re ready for the pesticide
And Roundup comes and brings the poison tide of Monsanto, Monsanto

The farmer knows he’s got to grow what he can sell, Monsanto, Monsanto
So he signs a deal for GMOs that makes life hell with Monsanto, Monsanto
Every year he buys the patented seeds
Poison-ready they’re what the corporation needs, Monsanto

When you shop for your daily bread and walk the aisles of Safeway, Safeway
Find the package to catch your eye that makes you smile at Safeway, at Safeway
Choose a picture of an old red barn on a field of green
With the farmer and his wife and children to complete the scene at Safeway, at Safeway

Dreams of the past come flooding back to the farmer’s mind, his mother and father
Family seeds they used to save were gifts from God, not Monsanto, Monsanto
Their own child grows ill near the poisoned crops
While they work on, they can’t find an easy way to stop, Monsanto, Monsanto

Don’t care now what the Bible said so long ago not Monsanto, Monsanto
Give us this day our daily bread and let us not go with Monsanto, Monsanto
The seeds of life are not what they once were
Mother Nature and God don’t own them anymore”


Just heard of an entire litter of deformed puppies…Proven championship sire previously producing pups which are also doing well in various activities including show…dam has had one previous litter with no problems…Seems to be indicating that pregnant female walked through recently sprayed fields at 3 weeks pregnant…organophosphates causing deformity of an entire litter…

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I’ve just been reading about a pesticide called 1080 used extensively in New Zealand but seems to be banned by the world health organisation…aerially dispersed and supposedly to kill possums and rats but is indiscriminately poisoning sheep horses and other mammals…dogs are particularly sensitive and warning signs are erected in areas subject to dispersal…