Two Factor Authentication

Nothing to worry about when you have your trusty semaphore flags to hand (assuming one or both arms aren’t out of action).

I think you’re massively overestimating the number of people who don’t use a mobile phone.

It would be a good reason to take the plunge now.


There are many many reasons to distrust the use of a mobile phone, especially for two factor Authentication…

You could equally argue that trusting anything eg a bank card, your carte vitale etc is dodgy.


That’s a securicode, not a securipass. I got confused between them and managed ro lock myself out of both!

Do you know, what are these? Not daft reasons, I’m hoping for actual reasons from Fincrime and cyber security experts, I’ve long assumed there are many many reasons, it makes absolute sense, but I have difficulty actually finding many things that can’t be debunked very quickly. 99% of the reasons I come across tend to read like they’re from someone who last saw a mobile phone on Tomorrow’s World in 1979, or are just from someone who watched 90’s film Hackers and then went down the YouTube conspiracy rabbit hole, I really must try harder to find authoritative articles and papers on what the true risks to banking via mobiles and such actually are.


Not really because cards don’t have electrical storage apart from the chip pin.
If you really want to read about it try the pdf that gets downloaded from:
On the (In)Security of Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

This is from the International Financial Cryptography Association
There are countless other submissions from security companies that say the same.

Stella, they sent me a letter too with a code to keep in a safe place.

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I’ve only been asked for it once… thank heavens… but it’s engrained on my mind, even if I can’t remember what day it is… :rofl: :anguished:
as I say… they sent it as I didn’t want their App…

I can understand that people might be uncomfortable with 2FA but not sure why that then extends to not having a mobile phone at all.

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I tend to assume it’s part of the same mindset that insists the earth is flat. Luddites, advance! :wink: :rofl:

That’s an article from 2014.

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The facts are still valid - even more so.
Anyway thanks for the comments, each to their own views. It still comes down to offering alternatives as per requirements of the SCA directive, for thos who do npot wish to posses a mobile phone…

it’s time to wind this thread up.

I, too, am surprised that any adult would not want a mobile phone purely for safety reasons. I was driving long before mobile phones were a viable proposition for most people but now, I would feel extremely unsafe without one in the car with me.
Unfortunately, @Gprit the OP doesn’t have any rights over a topic they start so members can continue posting on it.
I hope your bank finds a solution that suits you.
Izzy x

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ok…let me clarify…it’s time to wind this thread up for my contribution…!
thanks all

The only safety factor of a mobile telephone is its ability to be tracked if its turned on.Useless if you are lying on the ground with the phone out of reach. Feeling less safe without it is an age thing ,as your powers diminish so does your feelings of security.

No wait, you can’t wind this thread up, it hasn’t got to the food yet


can you authenticate that by cooking something twice

Canistrelli and biscotti mmmmmm

Now you can close it