Votes for expats

[quote="DustyM, post:20, topic:29102,
I’m sure if they wanted to they could make a new law allowing British citizens resident in France before the end of the transition period to vote in local elections. Perhaps someone needs to start a petition.

Why should British people living in France be privileged in comparison to other non-EU foreigners living in France? It isn’t France’s problem that the UK government chose to remove the UK from the EU, and to disenfranchise UK citizens living abroad as a result. If foreigners really want the same voting rights as French people they should apply for citizenship.

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As I understand it the group of British Citizens resident in France before the end of the Brexit transition period are already going to be treated differently from other third nation immigrants. My suggestion was based on that. I also believe that it would be in the interest of many local communities to allow that group to not only vote but to stand in elections as well. My comment was actually about the misinformed people that Stella has been talking to. The French government have acted to the letter of the current law.

I don’t expect France to treat Brits any differently to other ‘third nation’ residents so am actually pleasantly surprised that we will be given 10 year residency cards at no cost and that if necessary can leave the country for up to five years without losing our residency rights.


Ha ha @anon14704272 … I have already intimated to my French pals that I don’t think we (brits) have any more rights than anyone else… and I am certainly not going to tell them that they are “misinformed” (your word)… they have given me their opinion… and they are wonderfully supportive of my predicament… I am very lucky to live amongst such great folk.


heartily agree… and would love to go down that road if our income would meet the requirements… :thinking: don’t think anything else would be a problem (hopefully).

For the moment, simply gaining Permanent Resident status will be a thrill :hugs:

Are they that much different than for residency?

Yes, they are. As mentioned elsewhere, specially “eased” arrangements have been put in place for issuing CdS etc for those of us here long-term already.

However, Nationality/Citizenship (call it what you will) is a different kettle of fish.

You might well recall the Carpenter who was recently refused Nationality due to lack of resources… yes, he can re-apply in 2 years… :thinking: but I cannot see my income getting any better in 2 years

Tories have been promising this for decades now, but Labour keep on blocking it. It is likely a Private Members Bill would have passed in the last parliament if Labour had supported it.

They have given their opinion but however nice they are that changes nothing. The government has acted correctly.

You are entitled to your opinion… just as they are… :upside_down_face: :relaxed:

I’m dealing in facts not opinion. Simple really b

:upside_down_face: they feel the “decision” should be challenged as they consider it honteuse, dégeulasse etc…

that is how democracy works… challenge something… get it thoroughly discussed by all sides…

just like folk are challenging many decisions made by the govt… pensions/retirement for example… :thinking:

And I’m delighted to find you so sunny-side-up this far into the New Year. In fact the change from your usual laconic mood is so marked, you seem to have uncovered a new Tim, a model of geniality and bonhomie.

I’m guessing a New Year rezzo? :thinking::hugs::smiley:

That was what l thought when l first came to live here. But the system requires me to pay income tax to the UK government, for which l receive zilch, and that means the state of the UK economy has serious effects on my life.

But Jan won’t you expect to claim a UK retirement pension on the basis of NI contributions you’ve made? Your UK tax liabilities are part of that long-term contract you have with HMG.

Heard about this for the first time on the BBC R4 PM programme today - it’s still very much on the cards it would seem, though they didn’t give any further details. Fingers crossed…I’m not able to vote in France or the UK! Still have to pay taxes of course…

Yes, it was in the Queen’s speech so may get further this time than last.


Its progress, but probably will make bugger all difference. If us immigrants had our own set of MPs, that probably would - theres about 1 uk MP for every 100,000 people, that could be (should be) up to 30 immigrant dedicated MPs

In a FPTP parliamentary system, 15.000 potential votes (or however many the estimates are) is diddly squat to an overall GE result. Additionally, if you have to re-register where you were last registered to vote, then as far as I’m concerned, it is a completely pointless exercise, other than to be able to claim to have the vote.

I see from the article it is potentially 3 million - even if they were all to take up that right, how many would exercise it ?

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