Voting and integration

Hello Sue
Here is my original post that Jane took exception to!

Thank you everyone for all your replies.

We are not clones (thank goodness) so all have different ideas,opinions, experiences and comments to make whether others agree with them or not.

That’s what I like about this forum that we can all express ourselves in the way that we feel comfortable with.

Life is too short to be upset about trivial things, be upset that there are people starving in the world, that sex slavery still exists, that so many children in other less privileged countries don’t have acess to an education, that wars are still taking place …

Live life to the full and enjoy this beautiful country that we live in, be happy and well, above all keep on contributing to this forum

Jane’s post: Ann Coe, if you are not concerned about unjustice in this world, then no one will be concerned when it knocks upon your door.
I cannot live in a bubble and look at the world through rose tinted glasses, because that is not living.

My reply :Hello Jane
Where have I said that I am not concerned about injustice in this world ? I don’t live in a bubble and look at the world through rose coloured glasses. Maybe you should try reading my posts before you reply !

Jane’s post:I know that you said that you did not want to think about famines, unpleasant world events etc. and just be happy here in France.
So what coloured glasses are you wearing?

So now I am stating that I do object to people putting ‘words in my mouth’ I have never said I wasn’t concerned with injustice or that I did not want to think about famines etc; I used a comma where maybe I should have started a new sentence BUT if Jane had actually read carefully instead of “editing” my sentences then she might have understood.

I can put a tick in all those boxes and also add joining classes for line dancing, Qi gong, walking group, various fitness classes. I also did a language share with a couple of French girls who needed English for work. Now after 9 years I have plenty of acquaintances and a better level of conversational French.

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Maybe it’s you who needs glasses ! Stop “putting words in my mouth” I have NEVER made any of the comments you accuse me of making…
As I am, and will remain, a kind and considerate person who enjoys life to the full, despite many problems, I will now class your comments under trivia !

MY reply was to the original post but it didn’t send in a timely fashion. Seems a bit irrelevant to this discussion. Sorry.

Hello Nichola
Thank you for your reply.
Please don’t worry about the timing. It’s really just a ‘side issue’ I was replying to sent from somebody who doesn’t care to read posts correctly !
I too go to Qi gong and Thai Chi classes and find them very relaxing. Our teacher is great and he holds a 1 day class in the fresh air ( always in a wooded area by a stream) every Summer.
I did try line dancing but my two left feet didn’t help so I didn’t pursue it. :slight_smile:
The language share was a great idea, I bet you all really beneifitted from it.