Walnut husk fly - how do you treat against?

Last year I only managed to fill a three kilo bag of shelled walnuts, this year I shall just rake and dispose. The walnut orchard’s around us seem to have had the same problem, a lot of new walnut trees are being planted. I had not heard of walnut husk fly, but a few years ago we did lose a w/t to honey fungi and noticed a lot of naked fallen trees at that time. Only one tree now!

We had a terrible year last year too. I understand that walnuts can often give a good harvest every 2nd year.

Don’t you have to beat them?

No idea never beaten ours :rofl: :rofl:

Last year was the first time we did not have a bumper crop of walnuts, but the alternate year good crop certainly applies to our fruit trees.

Seems this particular nuisance attacks apples and pears… as well as walnuts

In contrast, we have a bumper crop this year, in fact, the best year since we moved here, and on average, they are much bigger this year as well. All that is due to the wet, warm spring which favoured early development for us. We’ll see what next year brings, but I won’t hold my breath :rofl:

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That’s handy Stella.

My nephew claimed to have been bitten by a moth this summer, it was this one. We did not believe him but his arm did swell up like a melon. His description of the moth that had attempted to kill him matches the carpocapse.

It is not unreasonable to think that we have these too. Joy !

Ours too is quite a good haul but 2/3rds are infested. either with husk fly or carpocapse, or both. Many seemed good, buta closer look at the seam shows a small hole. I prodded with a knife blade, if it entered easily I used it to crack the nuts open, to find larvae or eggs, or just a blackened shrivelled nut.

Those rejects were scheduled to be burnt today but the rains have put that on hold.

So next year I get to paint the trees white and then throw talcum powder on them :slight_smile: