Warmer/milder parts of France

... according to Karl Marx property is theft. So, my money, the Tory-LibDumb coalition have stolen it ;-) As for tropical France, this morning is -6°C with no more than 2°C tops and once the frost has cleared, snow showers. Better go out to harvest my mangos, pineapples and so on very quickly ;-)

According to the tory party and those who have stopped the Winter fuel allowance - ALL of France is warmer...

Aquitaine. Corsica, at least the south. My ex-in-laws' hotel was brilliant when I spent a Christmas and New Year there (my then mrs was a Corsican, so lucky me). Ajaccio flights from LGW are something like May to October, so no go but via Paris with EasyJet I think. I spoke to my ex not long ago when she was on her way to Edinburgh, which she had to do via Paris. For COPD try the south of Switzerland, Locarno or Lugano where it is mild with the crispest air imaginable and downhill from the Alps is rarely cold. I am now married to somebody from there and am there often enough to find it highly agreeable.

Forget parts of the SW. Right now we are having -5­° to -8° nights, we have had -12° this year, we have been told of around -20°. Given we had a +42° and upper 30s° are quite normal in the summer, it is quite a swing, also humid cum wet because we are close to the Atlantic.

Here in Languedoc we have milder winters, though it is cold at the moment overnight and in the morning we can often have t shirt weather by mid-day and afternoon. Sunday was a typical example, sunshine at lunch with a t-shirt followed by a few snow flakes later on in the day. I'm between Beziers & Montpellier.

The South East IS windy, but Marseille is relatively protected as is Toulon and the rest of the coast going towards Italy. Once you leave Toulon and start moving towards Nice be ready to part with quite a bit of money for a half-way decent piece of property though!

South West, Cambo les bains is famous for lung problems. The south east can be bitterly cold (winds) and it snows every year.

The Gers has some sort of mild micro climate around Nogaro.

good luck