Washing machine needs explananation!

Would that work for cleaning bird feeders? We are horribly paranoid about accidentally spreading the parasites that have killed so many finches.

We use the Beaphar spray we use for our hens for the last 3 years and everything seems to be ok by the amount of finches we have.

Thanks very much for that @Griffin36 . Will give it a goā€¦ (already use sodium percarbonate when trying to clean the mashine machine!)

If 6% vinegar use a cup, 14% half a cup, if we know the towels arenā€™t soiled we use a cup of 14% in at the start and no detergent, dish towels and hand towels we do use detergent.


Thanks for this Griffin - donā€™t they smell of vinegar at the end of the wash?

Not with our machine, we hang our towels out so after drying naturally there is no smell just freshness, softeners are made with silicone oil which makes them less absorbent and stiff with poor pile on them over time.

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Remember not to use malt vinegar :joy:


Malt has the way strongest smell and might stain, apple vinegar can be used ok.

Presumably the ā€œfor cleaning purposesā€ clear vinegars are ok?

Bog standard clear vinegar, shop 4-6% or 5L bulk 14-16%.

Great! Thatā€™s what I have. Thanks very much @Griffin36

We go through gallons of it, limescale city here :wink: this is the kettle after 5 days so everything has to be done regularly, kettles, pots, showers, toilets, washing and dishwasher machines.


Would a water softner save you money and grief?

Iā€™m retired with plenty time to kill and I have never been a fan of water softeners.

Could someone please tell me how to save this thread?
Thank you

Hi @Timun , I love your avatar!

To save the thread, maybe try clicking ā€˜Printā€™ and then chose ā€˜Save as pdfā€™ rather than actually printing.

@graham may have better advice!

Depends for what purpose reallyā€¦
You can as @Susannah suggests print it and save to .pdf or you can use some of the other forum tools shown at the bottom of the topic:-

  • Share the URL (saving it somewhere on your local PC) or

  • Bookmark the Topic providing a reminder for some time in the future (youā€™ll get a notification on your avatar when the date selected falls due)

Each has itā€™s own usefulness dependant on your need but saving to a .pdf file will ā€œfreeze it it timeā€ from when you saved it with the other two allowing you to return to the Topic with all its additional content.
If there is just one post which interests you, you can also use a screen capture software and save it somewhere safe for later.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Susannah. Re avatar. I couldnā€™t remember what it was itā€™s so long that I accessed the site apart from reading. Such a cheery sight in September!
Also you and Graham thanks for advice.
I donā€™t like pdfs much but I do copy a d paste into docs.
Iā€™ve got to remember my user name now too!

Perhaps consider using a password manager such as Bitwaden to make the task of returning to the site easier?
Most browsers will allow you to set it as an add-on

I do. I use LastPass.