What are the biggest problems or challenges that you are facing?

Thanks for a response that tells in fact some of what can happen and details of what cannot.
There is plenty of information available to indicate the future of either decision.
Treaties ate not made in the dark. Many hours if not years go into the design of governing documents.
It is simple ignorance to say "nobody knows"
Many people do know.
What they don’t know is how citizens will FEEL about these changes.

If you want to respond there is no need for black tie, simple pajama as will suffice, even street clothes - it’s that kinda party, plebian

Thank you for sharing your experience. I have two brothers, both retired and living in the UK but three and five hours drive away from Dad so not exactly close! We are taking it in turns to stay in Dad's house for a week and visit Dad daily in hospital. At least that keeps all of us better informed and there is someone to oversee what is happening. Even so, getting information out of NHS staff is like getting blood from the proverbial stone! My frustration is partly that I want to take "my turn" but find the travel both expensive and difficult, and partly that the doctors seem to be in no hurry to do anything ... I get the impression that because he is 91 they are not interested in investigating why he is ill. Social Services and Occupational Health have put loads of stuff in place ready for "when he comes home" but there are still lots of unanswered questions and no sign of him being well enough to be discharged.

Wendy, I went through remote-control care for years with my Mum in the UK and us in France, so I know what it's like. Ward staff wouldn't tell me anything other than "She's fine" which she wasn't, and when they wanted to send her home I needed to know she would be looked after. I did battle with many members of staff, care agencies etc. and it is very worrying. When they are home it's a bit easier, particularly if they use a computer, but communicating via the NHS is a trial. I hope your father is doing OK. Do you have other family near him to keep an eye on things and keep you informed? My son fulfilled this role for us as he only lived 5 mins from Mum.

Please do the sponsored equity research providers in the UK such as Edison are respected.

Regarding Vancouver, say no more, best kept secret.

Thanks David,

We have the carte sojourn, which we must renew in May this year.

As for writing, I am and will consider anything. Including Equity houses :) Just for interest, I worked for the old Canadian Pacific (CP Ships) for ten years and spent many a wild time over in Vancouver BC :) I'll let you know how things work out, and thanks for the support.


Have you considered being a freelance analyst / writer for a equity research firm. I ran a small firm in oil rich Canada for 5 years. However my only trip to Edmonton was more general interest LOL. Regarding your spouse, this is France there is a way for her. Perhaps a 1 years Carte de Sejour as my Russians neighbour have. Keep up the discussion if it is beneficial.

Toute Activites Prof. Sauf Salaries. Maybe next year when I attempt to renew it I can request a change. I will be too old to be a threat by then.

My biggest challenge at the moment is getting the CARSAT to sort out my French pension rights. It's been going on since 2009 what with the preliminary form-filling etc. They recommend the claimant starts the final stages of the request four months before the retirement start date. It's now been seven months and they are still faffing about currently asking for forms from 1989 !! Papers provided they have reset my waiting time to two more months !

Some money coming in would be handy !!

Hi Nicole,

Thank you. I will drop a mail there now :)


Didn't realise the Cartes de Sejour still carried such stipulations David ?

Hi David,

Thanks for your comments. Initially I was a project manager in the O&G industry, then advance to global engineering manager, then into my own consultancy. As the years passed and I survived many an oil crisis, during which time I became interested in media and technical writing. I started my own company ten years ago as an alternative to suffering at the hands of the oil price. Ironically, that's what's happened now.

I have been trying for the past three years to obtain right to remain for my wife, however, we have been separated throughout this whole ghastly period, and I finally lost patience with the UK and just left.

Consultants are at the same mercy of the same system on both sides of the channel David, my faith is all but gone, on experts!!

My biggest challenge at the moment is having a father ill in hospital in the UK and wanting to go back to visit him frequently ... but I work in France (albeit part time), have a husband and animals, and we only have one car. We can't go together, because who would look after the animals? If I drive, the ferry is more expensive and if I don't work, I don't get paid, so that makes it harder to afford the ferry. If my husband takes me to the ferry and I cross as a foot passenger, I have to manage a suitcase on said ferry, a taxi, two trains and a bus, but I have a painful arthritic shoulder that makes this difficult! Not sure anyone can help me with this one but at least I had my rant!

Are you registered to work in France? Maybe as an auto-entrepreneur? If so you should have a Carte Vitale and your wife should be able to benefit as a dependent. Your EHIC card (if it that to which you are referring by Euro card) only covers you as a non-resident of a country so is invalid after three months living in a different EU country to the one in which it was issued. Feel free to email me if you need any help or advice. nicole@renestance.com.

James, I am sure that you have reached out to consultants in the past, I am not a consultant. Have you spoken to Mon Ami Andy about your situation. I have Russian neighbours, that have successfully acquired UK residency but remain in France for the weather and wine. I am interested in what you did in the O&G business. I am Canadian.

There is a notation on my carte de sejour that I am not allowed to work on a salary.

Changes to NHS regulations effective April 2016 now mean that UK citizens living abroad now have the right to full NHS treatment by either hospital or GP when they are in UK whether or not this is an emergency of planned or "elective" treatment. You should be able to make these arrangements from outside UK and you should resist any attempt by the waiting list booking service of the hospital to prevent you doing this until you are actually in UK.

I believe my biggest challenges in France, are revenue, healthcare and bureaucracy.

I'm a sixty something self employed technical author, writer and part time journalist. I live in France because the UK government has an anti Russian visa policy and won't allow my wife to live in Scotland with me. I've been here for a year now and I absolutely love France. However, in the time I've been here, the oil price has fallen by more than 70%. Since most of my clients were international oil companies, I find myself a product of cancelled projects and savage cost cutting. Not Good!

Healthcare at the moment is a combination of meditation, incantation, and prayer, that neither of us get sick. I have the usual Euro card which will provide parity of care, but my wife has no such agreement from Russia.

Bureaucracy in as much as it is a national obsession here. Whilst I still had healthy funds, I used the lovely VAL ASSIST to get me through the process of marriage and to obtain a carte sojourn for my wife. When that comes up for renewal, I will have to wade through this process alone.

All done for LOVE on a wing and a prayer a year ago, and irresponsible to say the least, but this is another side of English Gov immigration policy, wrecking lives. What choice do I have, live without my wife?

I'm not complaining. Everything is self inflicted, and by any standard these problems are small beer! But these are my most challenging days!!

Peace & Love



It maybe worth looking for someone from Brittany or Limousin where there are more timber framed houses. You could try annique@orange.fr husband is a skilled builder specialising in restoration of timber framed buildings. They are English but have lived in France for about 15+ years.

Really ? Didn't your NHS number verify your status ? Mine did , treated no problem , as is right ,I am still paying tax in the UK .

A great ride ...like Mad Max 3 ....We're all doomed Captain Mainwaring !