What are the odds on this happening?

Dizaine is both exactly ten and about ten. Annoyingly ambiguous! If you count in dizaines and it’s maths, it’s exactly ten, if you have une dizaine de friends coming for supper it could be 9 or 11.
But we say dizaine, douzaine, quinzaine, vingtaine, trentaine, etc, up to centaine. And I think but may well be wrong that the bigger the number the more it’s likely to be approximative.

I think euros are so recent there isn’t any universal nickname for notes, unless maybe if you’re eg a drug dealer. We didn’t have names for franc notes really, other than sometimes eg Pascal who was on the 500fr note for a bit.

Balles was usually for old francs but I can’t remember them and found them confusing when adults would talk about eg the price of a boat/car/house in old francs.

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We had an interesting time keeping track of figures when we bought our property here in 2001; the building was priced in francs, as it was just pre-Euro.

We paid the deposit in francs in 2001, but the balance at the acte de vente in 2002 was in Euros, whilst the vendor always talked in ancien francs :roll_eyes:


Francs as in pre-Euro or really old Francs before the 1960 revaluation.

Some tickets de caisse still have the equivalent in francs on them!

Pre 1960! They were long gone by my time but people still talked about prices for big things in old francs.

I think it’s possibly a legal requirement still, but I don’t imagine it will be for much longer.

Postage stamps don’t expire, so it’s possible to use very old stamps, priced in Francs.

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To the best of my knowledge, Biden has already stated that he’ll only be running if Trump is the Republican candidate.

Bizarrely our Credit Agricole assurance vie statements still show their value (aka loss!) in francs and euros, for policies taken out in the last two or three years.

There is pressure on Biden within the party to stand down. Trump now has two states not willing to endorse him, maybe more will follow ?

They do in the UK!! The old ones that don’t have a (very ugly) barcode on them stopped being valid at the end of January 2023.

Hadn’t picked up on a 2nd state - which one was it?

Maine … I think

So it would appear.

Just the early skirmishes - it will find its way to SCOTUS eventually and given the Republican bias there I suspect that they will say “it is for the people to decide at the ballot box”.

Edit: No bar to him standing in California though - but doubtful he’d win there anyway.

Yes it was Maine.

Supposedly, having various States disbar him is meant to send a message to the Supreme Court to confirm that Trump is ineligible for reelection, but I agree with Billy that the SC is more likely to side with Agent Orange.

I think they will want to avoid making an actual decision, or being seen to make a decision so they will probably make some vague noises like they are condemning the insurrection but saying that it must be the choice of the electorate whether trump gets to be POTUS 47.

What would be really interesting is if any Republican state disbars him. So far the only states to have made a decision are firmly Democrat.

Though was the case not brought by republicans in Colorado?

I read an article on the challenge SCOTUS might have on hearing the disbarment case which I thought very interesting - an explanation of originalism and textualism.

Trump. What a ghastly 4 years if so, and poor Ukraine.

What I heard on BBC News, was that it was two republicans and one democrat.

If Ukraine falls, a NATO country may be next…