What has happened to the Spring season in France?



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Heavy snow up to 15 centimetres and night time lows of possibly -8 is what we have predicted this weekend. That is April in the Haute Correze…closer to the Med than the English Channel. Same last year but without the snow…however another destructive spring month of weather that wiped out vines across France. Food plants never recovered and we had zero tomatoes and little of anything else. After the punishingly hot, dry and droughted summers of 2019 and 2020, I really thought we were being clever buying a house at altitude on the “Plateau of 1000 sources”. We thought we would have plentiful water for growing and avoid the 40 degrees plus temperatures we experienced in the Charente dustbowl.
This year we have a had maybe about a week of temperatures higher than 17 degrees. Not made the twenties yet. Last year we had no summer; I can’t remember the last balmy evening? I know climate change is playing havoc; I know there is nothing we can do about that.

Spring is my favourite season…I just cannot remember the last decent one here? Dreading the weekend…I’m sure our garden will be decimated!

Just had a terrific hailstorm… and now it’s brilliant sunshine again…

Exactly the same here! Oh the irony, to buy a house 600miles south, only to get the same weather!

No it’s a typical spring for the region snow in April is normal - below -5C is also normal - in the last 5 years it’s been cold in April. There is a reason you don’t plant anything sensitive outside until St Glace has passed round here- 3 out of 5 years there’s been snow and it always gets late frost’s.
You live on a hill in the middle of France and wonder why it’s cold … Global warmings having its effects but being cold on a hill isn’t one of them.

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After the sun and blue sky… now it’s blackness and torrential rain…

throw another log on the fire… and sip a gentle red wine… that’s enough for tonight.
Who knows what we’ll get tomorrow.

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We now have blue skies and gales, but I did light the fire too. :slight_smile:

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Exacte ! Méme dans le Tarn, on ne plante rien avant les saints de glace :wink:


I have just got home (from 11 hours on the trot turning sows’ ears into silk purses) and didn’t even notice what the weather was like all day, isn’t that dismal


Not really, focus and dedication are much more admirable traits than noticing the crap weather :sunglasses:


A bit colder than yesterday here in SE 47, but the wind has dropped and the sun’s out at the moment.

Even had a visitor in the garden an hour ago.


Yesterday evening I put a small tub filled with a mixture of fat/crumbs/seeds/bits and bobs… onto a low wall… knowing it would freeze/solidify nicely overnight… and it did.
This morning we have brilliant sunshine and a heavy frost…
The dish has become the “in” place for a horde of bluetits/great tits and just 1 robin. Several spadgers and chaffinches are grabbing the bits which fall to the ground…
It’s hilarious to watch all their antics.
I did dash out first thing to make sure their water supply was OK… but brrrr I’m working from home today and glad to be in the warm.

What are they ???

Sparrows : “spadgers” covers all the varieties according to my little bruvva… and the name has stuck.

Ah, now if you’d said “sparrers” I’d have understood :rofl:

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They call them spiugs in parts of Scotland.

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Here in southern Burgundy I think we can say goodbye to any fruit this year :disappointed_relieved:. This is our garden right now.


Glorious photo… sorry about the fruit

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We’ve seen swallows here today…April fools methinks.


Good grief… we’ve got snow falling but not settling…
I’ll keep an eye out for the swallows. They normally nest in the building opposite us…