What to do with mountains of files?

In that case please don’t get so close to the wood burner…

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Scan it and then burn it as briquettes or kindling.

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I must be mildly dyslexic as every time I see this topic i read it as ‘What to do with mountains of flies?’


I was just about to post the exact same thing :rofl:


Not flies but if anyone has a solution for punaise I’d be grateful. :roll_eyes: I took 14 out of the bedroom last night and I know there were more. They’ve taken to hurling themselves at me in the dark just as I’m dozing off - I’m not amused!


Mesh over the ever open window and no light on in it with the door open at the same time. That’s my method and I hardly ever see, or hear, or feel, another living being in there. :joy:

You are Count Dracula and I claim my 5€! (qv Lobby Lud)

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The briquettes are fun to make in that machine that makes them.

No, he had a looney to eat them for him didn’t he? If I was that looney I would be dead from starvation by now.
They do go down nicely with a bit of garlic though. :heart_eyes:

If course - the delightful Renfield. Although I think he’d draw the line on the fly side of stink bugs!

We have one but I think have only used it once, can’t remember why :rofl:

Because you can only make one briquette at a time and it takes hours?

I made a mould that I use with my hydraulic log splitter. You fill the mould with (in my case) wood shavings plus eg molten candle wax then insert a piston. Put it in the log splitter, squash it as much as possible and it’s done and only takes a minute


That sounds like good briquettes Brian.

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The fact that I produce many hundreds of litres of wood shavings each year spurred me on to find a use for them!


Ditto :slight_smile:

Incidentally… it’s around now that certain flies are looking for a comfy spot to spend the winter months…

Certainly got hundreds on the outside walls of our village houses.

Keep the mozzie meshes in place as much as you can, to deter the little blighters… :wink:

Rabbits and guinea pigs. The amount they charge for sawdust these days you can swap a sack for wine

Although that is a briquette that will serve a use.