What was your first post on Survive France?

I looked back and discovered that my first post was arguably not my most auspicious. However I soon came to value this site as a source of intetesting and helpful information and debate, populated by knowledgeable, intelligent people.
I was also surprised to see the amount of contributions I have made. Far less than many others but far more than I had thought.


Not for the rest of us - especially at the time, in the context of what we’d been going through.


Still waiting to hear :joy:

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I think I have some bad news for you, John. You might want to sit down first though.

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Without checking my first post must have been about swimming pools :sleeping:


It appears not :slight_smile:

27 Feb 2013

OR (the day before)


I haven’t changed much :face_with_hand_over_mouth: ah yes James making a concrete work top, wonder how that is after all this time? @james

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Ha, first time I’ve seen that thread… was a fun read :slight_smile:

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I’m afraid mine was just about tax - and usually still is…

But it did seem to spawn some sort of pension encashment industry.

It was also my first post in my entire life to any forum.


Good question! Which one was it?

I have no idea, can you pick it up from the thread above?

Just like @larkswood12 , my first post was about tax

Dull, eh?

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Not at all - polite, saying something nice about the site, explaining well what you need - couldn’t be better. :slight_smile:


My 1st post was 3rd January 2010 which not surprisingly was about the cost of building materials and the best outlets to purchase from in France. I have never been good with names as my first post confirms as I replied to Cat calling her Karen :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I agree with Karen, however in response to your question regarding raw materials then I presume you are referring to building materials and general renovation products which on the face of it are more expensive here however unlike in England where the general public seem to be given the same prices at builders merchants as contractors then here that does not apply. A registered Artisan is treated with the repect they deserve and are automatically given preferential rates like it used to be back in England in the good old days which is one more reason to add to Karens pro’s list. One outlet that does sell cheap building materials is Brico Depot which also belongs to the Kingfisher group ( Castorama, B&Q etc ) but beware as while there certainly are bargains you can easily overspend on the ‘add ons’ as with all shops they have to make a buck somehow.

My post was just 26 days after @cat joined SF who presumably was persuaded to do so by @james who kicked SF off when he joined on 15th May 2009.

I remember searching on line at the time for some help illustrating a book when I found Catharine. A brief chat did give me some leads but at the time Cat was too busy to take things further. A few days later I got an email all about Survive France with an invitation to join, and the rest is history.


That would be a terrible insult now potentially! Does anyone know how Karen came to be associated with a rude, aggressive woman? The term seemed to appear in the pandemic, just as all the builders, doctors and mechanics disappeared. Alien involvement??

I think there was a specific case in America that started it, but I can’t recall exactly what or when.

There was also this, though her name is Taylor not Karen, and the cat is called Smudge. :smiley:


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Ah, but how do you know it’s reliable? :wink:

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Quite :slight_smile:

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Yes it could have been written by a “Karen” (not from Lot).

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