When even David Davis says you should go

you know you’re in trouble :scream:


Do you think the Tory backbenchers tossed a coin in the pub to decide who would do it?

Well, it shows he’s not up against just the new intake.


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Priceless. :rofl:

Well, the audience is looking rather full, to packed, in the comedy theatre :grin: Looks like they may even need to build an ‘upper circle’ if attendance gets any higher :grinning: Couldn’t see the ice cream seller though :grinning: not yet :grinning: maybe a post waiting for Bojo :grinning:

I’ve lost track of how many different bodies are now investigating Johnson for various transgressions over the past decade, but Cameron’s long ago description of him as ‘slippery as a greased piglet’ does need updating, unfortunately he’s now as slippery as a greased pig (and increasingly visually resembles one).

So, will the British tax-payer soon be complaining about paying for the removal and replacement of No 10’s current tacky £850 a roll wallpaper?



Johnson should be very cautious being near Cameron if he thought he were a greased pig - he has a history of romantic envolvement with pigs.


Not sure it was ‘romantic’, but I’ll accept your euphemism…

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