Why bother with a mutuelle?

Swiss Life is also very good. We've been with them since '05.

A little Advise to all, do not go with AXA, problems! problems! problems1

Mutuelle Previfrance (was Oreade) www.previfrance.fr based in Agen. 0810 447 447
My Branch is in Marmande (by the market) The have branches in most major towns.
I have been with them since 2000 and never had a problem.

So far my usual medical expenses (no hospitalisation) have been handled well by Harmonie though they are not always good with paperwork.

Suzanne does your Mutuelle pay for help at home?

Just had a hip replacement in Limoges. Private room and 5 star treatment followed by six weeks follow up from local nurses, all on LBP mutuelle insurance. Recommend.

Can you recommend any please?

You are right Suzanne, mutuelle is an absolute necessity in France you should go for the best cover you can afford because the medical bills are no joke and the hospitals have a nasty habit of sending out factures a couple of months after an intervention and it's only after really looking at it you see it's for information only with the amount the mutelle has paid etc, but at first sight it looks like a huge bill it can give you quite a shock. It was 989 Euros for one night emergency hospital admission for an asthmatic baby and my sons anti allergy medication costs just under 500 euro every 2 months . Well i hope your feeling better soon! It's no fun being immobilised with 3 little kiddies to look after...I've got 3 very young kids too and going to see a neurosurgeon in Reims CHU on Wednesday as i might need a total lumbar disc replacement or other op on my back so it's time to call in the mutuelle and the AXA insurance as i'm going to need all the help i can get. These things cost a lot of money each month so i really do hope they prove to be useful when needed.

I couldn't agree with you more. Our mutuelle covers so many things and especially the dental portion and coverage for a private room, etc.

I'm surprised it didn't cost them more. I had 4 days in hospital and it cost 3700 € and I didn't have a mutuelle at the time. I didn't know about it and why I'd need it. I said to the registrar in my fevered state "Why is there a price list on the wall?"

"Don't worry about that, we're not the US you know." Wrong. Feeling ill you try to check out at a cashier, cope with a foreign language and you have that cost thrown at you. I ended up having to pay 770€ because I at least had the basic health care through working but it still took me 6 months of doing without to pay it off. Mutuelles are essential, especially as you age.

Yes...YOU need it.

I couldn’t agree more Suzanne. It is hard enough being unwell without the worry of paying for expensive treatment and hospitalisation.
Take care and get well soon.

Oh yes, I can vouch for that. Over the last two years my bill must even out to an average of around €2k per month for the mutuelle. Our two daughters are insured along with me, to match the carte vitale. My own treatments, ambulances, specialists, respirators, medication and implants are matched by daughters with various ailments, optician, endocrinologist, podiatrist, dentist and medication. Plus some forgotten. Then my wife has hers, separate account but used often enough. For three of us I pay under a third of what we get back. My OH comes out about even. I am not exaggerating, if anything slightly underestimating. I have no idea what we do if we had to pay. Get it, get it over with and when you need it you will feel much better than you would without, let alone at the same time as being ill or incapacitated.