Why Facebook is so dangerous

Yes to be fair none of what I watched was on Facebook as any dissenting voice/group/private group gets “fact checked” by vested interests and if that doesn’t work then removed deleted and deplatformed both off Facebook and YouTube…

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And sadly NZ could well be next, whilst I don’t think JA is in any way arrogant, totally isolation on it’s own was never going to defeat Covid long term and with only 5 million to jab they should be far more advanced with their vaccination programme than they are.


GDPR is World leading.

As we will see soon in food and employment standards, here comes the erosion of data protection standards.

Interesting article about how WhatsApp isn’t as private as Facebook claim it is.


Yes, it’s all lies. Facebook can see everything. This WhatsApp encryption malarkey is just a smokescreen. End to end encryption just means from the moment you hit enter to the moment your correspondent opens the message it is encrypted. In other words nobody can read it in transit, not the National Security Agency nor GCHQ etc. etc. However the WhatsApp application (and thus Zuckerberg) can obviously read it at both ends.

Having finished An Ugly Truth by Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang and Zucked by Roger McNamee I’m now chomping my way through The Filter Bubble by Eli Pariser. This is all going to end in tears imho.


Yes I recently had to agree to an update…I avoided it for a time but it was incessant or apparently my mobile would cease working at capacity …the update has started rearranging my favourites and my frequently visited and my icons…I wish I was more tech savvy….I’ve deleted lots of my frequently visited…,this can be as innocuous as where I buy for my Border Collies…where I’ve bought in the past for my home…,

If I think of something I want to further investigate such as odd symptoms my mum is experiencing or the best way of keeping my collies cool in a heatwave which I know how to do but I’m always interested……or just any query really……then suddenly I’m inundated with advetising….

I think maybe my settings are weak…indeed after this latest update I’m informed that my settings are indeed “weak”…,

More on Facebook and Whatsapp:

He’s right, and IMO if anything he’s understating the risk. No democratic Government would get away with gathering private data on the scale FB, Google, Twitter do. The KGB and Stasi could only dream of such reach, and look what they did with their limited capabilities.

As we’ve seen it takes surprisingly and disappointingly little for autocratic lunatics to come to power (Trump, Orbán, Erdoğan, etc.) Once in, social media companies already have all the data such “leaders” need to stay in power.

Who was it when asked about how they had gone broke answered “slowly and then very quickly”? Many things are like that, including climate change, slow and maybe even imperceptible movement then the tipping point is reached and we’re off on our way to Hell in a handcart.

I think It’s a dangerous time for democracy.

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Hence my constant banging on about them :rofl: :rofl:

Very true, it is terrifying, I look at what is happening in the US who pride themselves on being the worlds greatest democracy and it makes me shudder for what life will be like for my kids, and my hopeful future grandkids. Scary, scary, scary and I can’t work out how it will end or where it is leading - makes me very sad. And very grateful for my safe little corner of France where I could be self sufficient, or near enough, if needed.

Tory :grinning:


It never was though was it, if that is any consolation. Not that it isn’t terrifying, but looking at the history of the country rather than the image it looks to present (often as an excuse for foreign intervention) a lot of it is pretty dark. Having said that there is so much about the States that I love.

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Interesting article on WhatsApp

What is going on…

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Also, with no real suprise

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And it may be very disturbing but the most unsuspecting person can become a troll or a bully. As some of you are aware it happened to me on here.
Maybe it is related to frustration or a little too much wine.
But it happens and it is horrid.

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oh replying to all not mayself.

No it didn’t. Your comments are verging on the libellous and I am sure the person you accused of ‘bullying’ you would not be happy to read this being dredged up yet again.

I couldn’t agree with her more…