Why, if you live in France, did you vote for Brexit?

This contribution sounds like another bent banana story to me but in case it is told in good faith could you please quote me the directive as I can’t find it.

Yes, Anna, you are absolutely right, and I shall adjust my slightly odd opinion with immediate effect. In saying “immediate”, I mean as soon as I get round to it: I have a large number of revised opinions on my list, and I’m ticking them off as quickly as I can.

This is not a sarcastic answer, Anna, I really mean it. I’ve been a pig-headed old schnoque for a long time, it’s well time I softened up…:smiley:


Dear Coralyn

I’ve been meaning to reply to you for weeks but it’s been a hectic summer. I thought it was so kind of you to list and try and explain your reasons for your vote. I am not going to come back to you with counter arguments - you’ve already heard them certainly and will change your mind no more than you have been able to change mine. At the root of this I think is belief - you don’t believe in an homogenous society and I do - I have always been so proud of the multi-culturalism of my country; and there is our choice, yours and mine, which have informed our arguments - and we will argue until we’re both horse because shaking a belief is almost impossible.

However, what struck me with horrible force when I went back to the UK was the anger and intolerance on both sides of the arguments and which I think has been growing for sometime now in a number of areas and which only leads to polarisation and mistrust and the consequences of that are chaos and misery. So, I am pleased that you were ready to talk and discuss and I wish we could have done so over coffee, and let’s agree that we both want what is best for as many as possible.

Best wishes for your move back to the UK.



Correct except nothing to do with Celts. Whoever the tribes were in Roman Britain, they weren’t Celts. There is not a shred of evidence to show that the Celts ever settled in Britain or Ireland. It’s a myth dreamt up by Victorian romantics.

Did the Victorians invent the Celtic place names and remanants of language found in Cornwall and Ireland as well?

Read the following extract. I’ve linked to the source as well.

"However, there is one thing that the Romans, modern archaeologists and the Iron Age islanders themselves would all agree on: they were not Celts. This was an invention of the 18th century; the name was not used earlier. The idea came from the discovery around 1700 that the non-English island tongues relate to that of the ancient continental Gauls, who really were called Celts. This ancient continental ethnic label was applied to the wider family of languages. But ‘Celtic’ was soon extended to describe insular monuments, art, culture and peoples, ancient and modern: island ‘Celtic’ identity was born, like Britishness, in the 18th century.

However, language does not determine ethnicity (that would make the modern islanders ‘Germans’, since they mostly speak English, classified as a Germanic tongue). And anyway, no one knows how or when the languages that we choose to call ‘Celtic’, arrived in the archipelago - they were already long established and had diversified into several tongues, when our evidence begins. Certainly, there is no reason to link the coming of ‘Celtic’ language with any great ‘Celtic invasions’ from Europe during the Iron Age, because there is no hard evidence to suggest there were any."

I incorrectly thought it was a Victorian invention; apparently it started in the reign of William & Mary.

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I can’t see anything there that suggests there was no movement of Celtic people between what is now western France, the south west of Britain and Ireland. No invasion was necessary. The fact that these people were labelled by others hundreds of years later is irrelevant. There is plenty of shared archeology across the Atlantic coastlines.

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No matter. It is scarcely surprising that there is a commonality because Bretons were Britons who came from Britain, largely escaping across the Channel from advancing Saxons. The language they spoke, a hybrid of Latin and Brythonic we now call Welsh, came with them. This is why Breton, Welsh and Cornish are very closely connected. Irish Gaelic is much more distant - it has no Latin in it. Scottish Gaelic was brought from Ireland by Irish settlement of Western Scotland in the 4th - 6th centuries AD.

To repeat, there is no evidence that Celts ever settled in Britain, or Ireland.

Whatever. It’s a bit like the singer formally known as…

About 300K registered in the consulate (but that includes kids too)

Thank you for f@cking up my retirement


I voted remain, but for those that did vote for it must be so very rich to carry off the 20-30% devaluation of the £ versus €. Thank you so much!!..NOT.


Surely we can all express ourselves adequately without having to resort to that sort of language Sir.


Dear Tim, we moved to live in France 14 years ago and have experienced currency fluctuations many times over that period some a lot worse than the Brexit devaluation but we allowed for the worst scenario currency movements in our budget before we moved here, I take it from your anger that you did NOT.


Are you saying that you feel that the dive in the exchange rates since the referendum is a fair price to pay for the result?


Ha ha, nice try David.

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Hi Michael,
We have ample savings but it’s just the hit on the pension monthly. Have to have one or two bottles less per week now!

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Nice to have a good moan now and again Tim.

They are two different things. Personally I worked out that when I moved to France I could afford an exchange of 1:1 or even a bit less. That does not mean however that I have enjoyed watching the inflation that has occurred to my household during the past 16 months, I’ve better things to do with my money rather than watch it devaluate due to the strange and unexplained actions of others.

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