Getting a Carte Vitale

I am hoping someone can help me as well. My husband and I have been in the system many years and have our carte vitales. We are due to renew our aide pour une complémentaire santé (ACS) which finishes soon. I was just wondering if the procedure has changed as a result of the new system or do I just complete the same form as before, the Cerfa n°12504*04.

Many thanks in advance.

There has been no change to CMU-C etc so as long as you download the latest form from you should be fine

Thank you. Getting everything out now to photocopy. Will be at least 30 different documents! As an incidental question the new form asks about la stabilite de votre residence. We only have the Avis d'imposition for 2014 and the Declaration de Revenus for 2015 (the 2015 avis won't arrive for a while yet) so do you think that will do or should I send copies of factures for the last six months? Thanks again.

Copies of six months' utility invoices should do it, especially as it's a renewal. They just need to know you've been living there the whole time.

Thanks very much for your advice. Much appreciated.

So to update you all. It is now December and the cartes vitales for myself and Philippe have still not arrived. I have been having diabetic meds sent from the Uk but as my nephew has now moved away, this is now impossible. A visit to the dragon in the cpam in Villefranche de lauragais with a request to see if anything is missing from my dossier, just ended with me being shouted at that I need to wait my dossier is being considered. It appears to me that whilst the French govt was not prepared to offer Cameron any leeway re benefits pre Brexit. It manages to discourage any but the most determined immigrants not through the law but its inability/unwillingness to provide the means to work -no social security no means I cannot work, in a timely manner. Luckily my husband is French so is now working, but 9 months later even he still has no healthcare.

I’m struggling to understand this. I thought you became entitled to social security through working, not the other way round. If your OH is working and paying cotisations then he surely has healthcare, even if he doesn’t happen to have a carte vitale. A carte vitale is a convenient way of paying for treatment, that’s all. It doesn’t prove or disprove your entitlements.

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But without one you cannot get CMU or any mutuelle. January and ours are still not here. I now have a temporary no sécu but the pharmacy cannot set me up for my Meds using it.

Karen… have you visited a Doctor in France… to get the necessary medication prescribed for your condition ??

Well here we are in March and despite being told that my dossier was being reviewed in November, still no carte vitale! I have been to the doctor and have paid €24 for a box of glicklizide and €23 for the visit, Luckily my MIL has loads of metformin of the correct dose but my Forgixa is not an authorised drug in France so can’t get it. I believe this is a tactic to prevent immigration!!!

Karen… there are many drugs and medicines etc which are available elsewhere but are not available in France.

France decides what will be used… here in France…for the treatment of whatever condition.

Nothing to do with Immigration !

No, Karen, it’s just as much a mine field for French people too. And for those who have been here and worked here for years there are still cock-ups that take months, if not years, to sort out. Just the same for my OH and kids, and they’re French as you say your husband is too so surely he’s explained that France is like this in almost all administrative fields!
Courage :wink:

Having Googled Fogixa … it seems it was available in France in 2012 but was then re-evaluated in 2014…and reported again in 2016 … the review finding serious problems/side-effects.

You are not alone Karen.

Sadly, my Osteoporosis treatment (highly beneficial for me) was withdrawn for safety reasons… and I have to make do with a much less successful (but safer) drug.

I take extra care and console myself that I am less at risk of dangerous side effects than I was before… :slight_smile:

You might find yourself in a similar situation.

My wife myself and my son have been resident in France for over three years now. I work 4 days in London then 4 days at home in France. We have been back and forth with forms and applications for over 2 years now and only 2 months ago finally got my carte with my son added on it and still none for my wife who is there full time. They made it so hard and definitely don’t want expats to have this facility which is after all an EU right.

The complete opposite to me. When I became resident in France I looked online, put together a basic dossier and took it to my local CPAM office. They checked through everything and less than six weeks later I received my CV. Less than 12 months later I helped a couple of neighbours to do the same thing and their only hiccup was that they didn’t have a RIB in their folder. A trip to a local cash point and that was sorted. Perhaps it’s your local office who are the problem not the system in general.

David has beaten me to it… we too had no difficulties… but that was many years ago… and systems have changed since then.

However, I honestly do not think your long-drawnout affair is anything to do with any anti-Brit feeling …

Recently, I accompanied folk to CPAM to get things started. Like you (by the sound of it) he works some of the time in UK and some of the time here in France. The CPAM clerk worked her way through all the info… very carefully… and sent us away with a list of papers/info to organise from UK.

That evening, she phoned me at home, to say that she was putting another set of papers in the post… to me… as another route for them to try, if the UK failed to provide what was asked for.

Now that was really kind of her…and quite the reverse of what you are suggesting.

Please try to keep upbeat about things…

Well Philippe’s Carter vitale arrived a while ago so…Armed with my certificate de travaille I braved the local CPAM. One of the dragons was really nice! I later heard her tell someone she was retiring that day!
She told me my application had been blocked…no one said!

She gave me a number for international support. I’ve tried it a few times but haven’t managed to wait long enough in the queue to get an answer. Fixed line now working so will try again!

Is wondering why French OH has got his whilst mine is blocked. Is it that he is working whilst I am caring for inlaws!

Hello Karen,
Just a thought, if you are caring for your in-laws could they not ‘employ’ you under Urssaf ? They would be assesed as to how much care was needed and would receive an 'allocation" from Cesu. They would be your employers and you would be paid a fixed sum every month. Not a great deal of money at 8.19 per hour BUT it may help you to get your Carte Vitale !
Anyway best of luck with everything :slight_smile:


Your situation does sound convoluted… your husband is working, so I would have expected you to be “covered” as his dependent…

You have a Certificat de Travail… which means you have been working somewhere in France. (?)… so.did the CPAM lady look at the Certificat… ???

and I am wondering why she gave you an International Support number ???

I would love to help you, but I cannot glue-together the details given so far…

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If Karen has applied for her CV under PUMA she will receive it in her own right, not as a ‘dependant’ of her husband.
I can understand that some people find it difficult to join the French health system but to claim that it is a conspiracy against British citizens as a result of the Brexit vote is absurd.

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