President Trump, hero or villain?

Dead bodies don’t bleed.

My dear,

Please explain with what ‘democracy’ that you have experienced so far in your life as an artist, you did compare that of Syria and Iran to?

The oligarchic plutocracy of France or the oligarchic kleptocracy of the UK and the US? Both are fascist systems as there is tight cooperation and mingling of interest of state and corporations. Something NOT usual in either Syria or Iran.

Good luck getting your visa.


Isn’t that what I wrote? But the passengers of MH17 were alive when the plane went down and people got wounded and there should have been blood visible.

But there wasn’t, and according to the witnesses on the ground the deceased smelled like dead for a long time.

Hey, if you speak and read Ukrainian you suddenly get a totally different view on what happened with MH17. Our MSM filters everything and there’s much they don’t want you to know…

And yet you seem to have come back - to insult and patronise. I suggest you change your attitude or increase your dosage before posting again.

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Just somebody else who hasn’t heard of Occam’s Razor.

Which insult? You felt addressed by something I wrote?

Marvellous! That’s a good one, thanks! And it seems you couldn’t find any razor at all :wink:


I’m not an artist, I’m a Fonctionnaire d’Etat; art school was just a way of getting a visa and in the past.
I’ve lived (lived, worked, studied and spent over a year in, ie not been just a visitor or a tourist) in a number of countries eg GB, France, Belgium, Germany, Egypt, Syria and Pakistan so I think I have grounds for comparison.
And I’m not your dear, either, don’t try to patronise me, thank you.


When did you live in either country, and for how long were you there? Do you read/speak/write Arabic and/or Persian?

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How can you compare democracy when coming from a place that is not and never has been a democracy? It is nothing more than comparing their quite different systems with our totally corrupted plutocracies and kleptocracies.

Their systems are quite unacceptable to us for the wrong reasons. We’ve been brought up to accept only ‘our’ kind of faux democracies, and even to embrace it and to be very willing to go to war serving freedom and democracy at gunpoint, and utterly destroy peoples and systems coming from another culture, and all of that driven by our gods, power and wealth.

If you dare calling our western war-mongering countries democracies, than there’s not really anything to discuss.

Here a site showing a timeline with democratic facts that the US can be proud of:


So what is your definition of democracy? That of the ancient Greeks? (who, after all, invented the word)
Whether Athenian or Spartan it looks even less like democracy to me than pretty well anything we have today. And what is your frame of reference? Second-hand knowledge by the look of it.

And that is it from me, I’m not going to engage further with someone who calls him/herself ‘Anon38253145’.

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I think Jan is from the Eastern Bloc so his idea of democrasy it to be ruled by a one party state headed by a jumped up tyrant who makes the population work for peanuts & stamps on anyone who dares voice anything which does not meet party approval. If, however, you become friends with the tyrant in chief you can become a billionaire by stealing the property of the “people” & watch them starve/freeze from the comfort of your western built luxury car/yacht.
Let’s face it, after WW2 the western allies pulled out of all the countries they liberated while the Russians stayed in the countries they occupied - Poland, East Germany etc, where they ruled with an iron fist. The countries recently released from the Russian Federation will be invaded by Russian troops again soon a la Crimea because that’s what Russians do.
Is there a russian word for “vote”? I don’t think being allowed to vote for the communist party or the communist party really counts as choice.

Switched planes?? Really? Please keep us informed of this new learning!


I don’t think Eastern BlocMmark. I think US so bewitched by Internet “facts”. Whatever. Not worth engaging because like the die hard Brexiteer they live in their own little bubble which we of course have no idea of the dark forces ,Lizards and the like that dominate our world.


No - I felt aggrieved by a few things you wrote. Some of them have now been deleted because they were offensive.

Come on then anon, (and numbers), show yourself

Mark, war is often waged for self interest. Israel and her friends desperately want the oil pipeline that would cross over Syria once Assad, who is ardently opposed to it, is gone. False flags galore all in the pursuit of wealth! La guerre de troie n’aura pas lieu!

Hello Christophe and welcome to the Forum.

Please amend your Registration to show Full Name… ie First and Last Names

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Sorry! My full name is Christophe Bass.

Cheers Christophe… which area of France are you in ??
