1500€ aid - can someone clarify this anomoly

my son is a builder (AE) and is paid perhaps only a few times per year due to the length of time take to complete his job and then invoice. As the aid of 1500€ is demendent upon loss of earnings for April & May being less than the same months last year, this formula does not work for him. Does anyone know a way around this - perhaps averaging out his earnings over the year ?

They changed things for April and May so you do now have the option to use the average of 2019’s monthly earnings when calculating the loss -



Hi just had an email from les Impots and they have changed the rules for the fonds de Solidarité to make it available for more small businesses.
Nous prolongeons notre soutien en reconduisant ce dispositif sans précédent selon des modalités d’éligibilité encore améliorées. Ainsi le fonds est désormais ouvert aux entreprises qui connaissent une perte de chiffre d’affaires d’au moins 50 % par rapport à leur chiffre d’affaires mensuel moyen sur 2019 ainsi qu’à celles dont le dirigeant a perçu moins de 1 500 € de pension de retraite ou d’indemnités journalières durant le mois considéré.
The change is concerning the amount of pension you receive so worth a read for those who were not eligible last time, you might get it for Mai if you apply.
Good luck