2023 tax return

It would be worth people looking at the 2022 thread and guide as 99% is identical.


It does seem to change extremely little from year to year - at least it has for the 6 years I’ve done them.

What’s also good about the French tax return site as opposed to my experience with HMRC is the the help pages are actually helpful and informative!

I agree, and to try and help @letsmile and others, I’d tried yesterday to locate the 2022 guide, but I couldn’t access it. It seems to have been removed from Graham’s Dropbox where he posted it last year. If anyone has saved a copy of the guide from last year, perhaps they could consider posting it here, so others can benefit?

@letsmile You’ll see from a few posts further up this thread, a number of us have done the return online this year, for the first time. Bar one or two minor functionality glitches mentioned by others and myself above, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the online tool was actually fairly intuitive. Dialogue boxes would appear, eg to recommend starting with the annexes, before entering details in the main return, or one prompting you to consider whether to treat all investment income etc at the flat rate or at progressive rates. I also had a few goes first at the simulater (on the Impôts site) so I was more familiar with what to expect in terms of format, layout, areas likely to be of interest etc.

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Yes I couldn’t find it either.

@graham is around, just hasn’t posted for a while so perhaps if we all ask nicely he’ll repost?

@George1 that’s great input and appreciate the time - confidence growing at this end :grin:

Yes, I had two at one time from being employed and also being on OH account. I got it sorted and went with my own newer one eventually. Contact the CPAM direct to sort it out.

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What I found very annoying and confusing was the little pen symbol at the end of the line for use in changing stuff, but…they did not line up exactly with the boxes if you wanted to change and I had to try twice to find which one worked for the box I changed.


I don’t know what others experienced but after successfully completing my first online return, I felt utterly drained, as if I’d just done my driving test or come out of a tough exam!

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Yes and the mes biens immobiliers thing to declare came up on mine with nothing registered as not known so that has worried me but then nothing has been declared that the property is finished yet either until all the fencing is completed and the H1 is sent in.

Wow, finally just worked my way through the thread with a very warm cup of green tea :grinning:

Reading all the exchanges on declaration of UK rental income in particular certainly puzzled me, as for the last two years I’ve declared UK rental income obviously both in France and the UK. It is taxed in the UK, not taxed in France but included on the tax declaration as it is important that the French tax authorities know the value to credit to your French allowance i.e. although not actually taxed in France, it is used, and taken into account, to calculate your tax band for total declared income.

And when I’ve completed the forms for the two separate tax regimes, I have actually calculated the income and expenses according to the two different tax years. Yes this has been more work, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t fall foul of either tax authority.


My original post which started this thread was simple …when doing a French return and having uk rental income does one use the net income figure from the immediate prior HMRC return (on which you might pay uk tax) and which is a figure from an official return OR
work out the income less deductions (using the deductions HMRC would allow) to give French authorities a figure that is for Jan’ -Dec’ but is not a figure reconciled to the tax juristriction ie the UK with any official validation…
As of now there seem to be conflicting views with no definitive answer

So true…after 35+ years in the tax business, this is so often the case! Tax legislation is unfortunately rarely simple or clear, and interpretation is often necessary.Taxpayers/their advisers can honourably and legitimately differ, a) from the views of other advisers/taxpayers, and b) from the Fisc. The courts, usually the ultimate authority, can land on yet another position…

The professional rule of thumb in the (frequent) case of conflicting interpretations, was to identify and select the position that had a “realistic possibility of being sustained on its merits if challenged by the tax authorities.”.

Morning Letsmile

Can really recommed the site. They helped me out with a tax query couple of years ago.

Great bunch of people just like SF

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The problem with the 2042 formulaire - pre remplie - is the ‘report’ button. Not really figuring out what that was all about, clicked it, faffed about, signed out, signed back in and then that page wasn’t there. Seems now it is a matter of re-entering details on 3916 which brings me to the point you make about ‘electronic matching’ because one is asked for the date of opening an account… what do you reckon happens when the date doesn’t match?

I know you asked @graham but, for my experience having had to re-enter everything last year after faffing about, absolutely nothing!

I had to invent a date for a couple of very long-running UK accounts and I’m sure I wouldn’t have invented the same date twice…

Hello - Having just completed my return online I just wanted to mention that before you go anywhere near the 3916 page you must tick the 8UU under ‘DIVERS’ that way you wont lose any of your accounts that were added in previous years if you don’t tick this box you will be inputting them all over again .



Morning, will you be producing your sheets for filling in the Tax Return.

Found them wevy useful last year



Does anyone know what the official annual £-€ exchange rate has been set at? I find it easier to use the annual average rather than convert each individual transaction…
Thanks in advance.

Me too. Someone above gave 1.158 as the “official” figure

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Ah - sorry. I had searched but failed to find it.
1.158 seems high - I think that most of my conversions were well below that! Perhaps I’d better ‘do the right’ thing and find the official French rate for each transaction :thinking:

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