A ceasefire, thank goodness

Let’s hope it endures. I may be naive, but I think it will be difficult for Israel to restart bombing women and children.


With Netanyahu in charge they will. I cannot find words to describe my hatred for him.


I’m afraid the IDF is already talking about ‘Hamas hiding in Khan Yunis’, the south Gaza city already trying to absorb a million refugees told to evacuate northern Gaza by Isreal.

Being in the south and full of Palestinian civilians has not prevented Israeli missiles and saying that is now a Hamas zone will result in more missiles from Israel and ground invasion.

How can the Middle East not ignite?

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A self serving criminal staying in power by any means to avoid the justice he deserves.


Some are indeed speaking up

The Indonesian foreign minister, Retno Marsudi, said Israel was systematically breaking the laws of war added that many Muslim countries were tired of the lectures from the west about international law.

Today, as a four day “pause” in attacks on Gaza begins, Isreal is still saying going after hospitals because Hamas have, yet unproven, used them as a a base. The fear in Gaza must be that immediately after the pause ends, IDF will be aiming towards this hospital in Khan Yunis, to do as it did at Al Shifa Hospital and The Indonesian Hospital

Southern Gaza is where the Palestinian residents were told by IDF to go for safety. There is no where safe for Palestinians in Isreal yet somehow, the power of human hope remains.

More good news…


I do feel for the joy of Israeli families when their loved ones are returned to their arms but I also hope that the longer this ceasefire continues, the more impossible it will be for the IDF to return to bombing areas with Palestinian civilians.

What has become of the French hospital ships Macron announced he was sending? With hospitals in Gaza inundated or unable to be used, will more hospital ships off the coast be a solution, and will Israel allow the Palestinians access to them?

Unfortunately he’s not the only one when one looks around the world.

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Note the ship’s in Egypt, so Palestinian people still have to be able to get out to get to it.

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I don’t think it would have been prudent to drop anchor off the Gaza coast, too much chance of friendly fire from multiple actors to stir things up even more.

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Thank you for this article I miseed. I also see that @Griffin36 is probably correct regarding not being off the coast of Gaza.

I note the article says could start treating wounded children from Gaza, rather than will.

Now I’m concerned about how the sick and woundd will be able to reach these floating hospitals and how soon. Does require a continued ceasefire, plus permission, if not also assistance from Israel to get there. Without this, the hospital ships can only wait for their patients.

The ceasefire means no missiles. It doesn’t end on the ground fights

As families and crowds gathered in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday night to greet Palestinian prisoners and detainees released from Israeli custody, Israel’s ongoing escalation of arrests in the territory showed no signs of slowing down.

The Israeli military said it had arrested at least 71 Palestinians from across the occupied West Bank since Friday on unspecified charges. The Palestinian Authority’s commission for prisoner affairs gave a higher number, saying on Monday that Israeli forces had arrested at least 112 Palestinians since Friday, including 60 in the past day.

Under an agreement Israel and Hamas have honored since Friday, Israel had freed 150 Palestinian prisoners and detainees as of Monday night.

The Israeli military has escalated its nighttime raids across the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7, saying that it had arrested at least 2,000 Palestinians in that period. The military has said that the arrests are part of a counterterrorism operation against Hamas throughout the territory.

The Palestinian Authority’s commission for prisoner affairs said that at least 3,260 Palestinians have been detained in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the start of the fighting nearly seven weeks ago. Around 7,000 Palestinians were detained in all of 2022, the commission said.

The arrests included “children, the elderly, women, and hundreds of former prisoners,” the Palestinian commission said in a statement on Monday.

The deal between Israel and Hamas has allowed scores of Palestinian families to be reunited with their loved ones. That has brought a rare moment of relief and celebration across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where violence had been escalating over the last few weeks.

But the deal did not offer a break from the bloodshed in the West Bank. At least seven Palestinians, including four teenagers, were killed by Israeli forces in clashes that erupted during military raids across the territory since Friday, according to the U.N.

At least 222 people have been killed in the West Bank since Oct. 7, according to the U.N., amid the deadliest year for Palestinians there in over a decade. The majority were shot by Israeli soldiers in gun battles during Israeli search-and-arrest operations, the U.N. said.

Isreal is releasing Palestinian prisoners while incarcerating new ones! Including women and children. How can they be Hamas, Isreal’s justification for these night raids? What is to stop IDF using their night raids to rearrest recently released people? It is a farce.