About a month ago I received my Tax d'habitation 2015. Along with it was lumped in the TV licence for the year too. My question is can I reclaim this TV licence as we are only in France for 1 month of the year. I checked with last years Td'H bill and we weren't charged this. Has the licence just started or is it a case of they just forgot us last year (and the previous 3...). I'm sure someone will know.
Can’t trawl through 13 pages of replies, but I’ve not been sent any state/commune bills, except for Ordure Ménage, from Previous rental and here, is that because I rent or am a pensioner? I had expected to receive a taxe d’habitation last Autumn, and know landlady will or did get taxe Foncier. Or perhaps being on CAF’s books, stops it- I don’t know.
You CAN ask for a redeverance supplying details - I am on a low income and do not have to pay habitation. I had literally just moved 3 years ago and simply couldn't financially pay my tv lisciense so I phoned the tax office they told me what to send in (details of my bank account/ressources and a covering letter) and I was not liable that year. Following year though I paid and last year I didn't get a bill at all (maybe as we are on such a low income ? )
Good answer, age ,income based on your tax returns for last year if you qualify then you do not get a bill
I think it depends on if you were resident in that property on the 1st january.
Why do you want to reclaim, or better why don't you use your laptop if you are just one month per year in France? Just write them a kind letter. Don't expect a letter and forget to cc GQHC and NSA telling them you throw your smart tele out of the window and they will not bother you any more. You do not have a TV in your house and you are happy to receive a inspector at the times you reside in France. Basta. Reclaiming is just absurd. France is penniless. Try to reclaim what you've over- aid in 2012 for other taxes and the sweet people in in the "impot" will tell you just that "but we don't have the money"; ;-D
Aye aye Peter, can sincerely say I've made the most of what I got dealt :)
You'll have to watch the driving once you're on the road, John, there's awful bad weather in Ireland right now - and steer clear of Dublin city centre, there's the big anti-water charge protest on today!
"We're both in the same boat, the best laid plans etc."
Glad i'm not in the same boat John, sounds blinkin' rough in the Atlantic !
Wasn't too bad for me Ian cos' my lady had seven years of 'waiting' plus she had become handicapped seven years earlier due to falling down the stairs !!! so it was actually a great relief to all, especially her when she was able to escape the pain etc.
Must be much more difficult for John with the sudden loss, I reckon a completely different set of emotions must come into play.
Either way it reinforces ones belief that there is only one 'shot' at it (life) so make the most of it...
Yes, I was on it in December '81 when the ships were much smaller and we had to hove to off Lands End for hours. When we got to the car deck the following day several articulated trucks had fallen over scattering their loads and squashing cars. They used a bulldozer to get them off. I’ve some great photos. There were a lot of thumps last night so I hope my car’s OK.
Heh. I know that darn crossing from Cherbourg to Rosslare, I once had such a terrible crossing I spent it on the floor in the middle of the ship until the smell of chips got too much, then went outside and towards the bow to keep my eyes fixed on the horizon - the journey was endless!
Yes Ian. One of those things like nobody on their death bed ever regretted not spending more time at the office!
Yes, it’t hard to beat Town Hall if they choose to be bloody minded. We too had Assurance Vies thank goodness but only by accident. I’d moved all cash out of Ireland in case they dropped out of the Euro and my bank here, HSBC, actually gave us very good advice. Though I assumed at the time the precaution was in case I went not her. Our Notaire was also very good and we were able to keep the tax my daughter paid to noise level.
My condolences on your wife’s passing. We’re both in the same boat, the best laid plans etc.
I’m actually currently on the Cherbourg to Rosslaire ferry to spend Christmas with my daughter who’s still studying in Dublin. Very rough crossing lots of ill people around.
So sorry for both of you gents. Glad to know you both lived it to the hilt with your partners. Always makes one reflect when reading of such experiences.
Sunday was the second anniversary of my wife's passing, she only made 56 and we too lived life to the hilt despite her seven years of operations a chemo etc. Unfortunately or fortunately (?) we had time to prepare for the financial side. Assurance Vies turned out to be our best option as i'm finding out now. Our only son too has the added protection.
The OP was about reclaiming the TV licence fee well, we tried for ages to reclaim the fee. We fitted all the criteria especially as my good lady was declared 80% handicapped plus my low income etc. In a battle which lasted about a year with doctors visits etc etc the authorities, who were obviously hell-bent on NOT allowing us to reclaim eventually sent us a 'final' decision saying our inome was 1 Euro above the permitted limit ! It's amazing how the books can be cooked to suit an argument !!!
Very prudent Peter. A bit of forward planning at an early enough age has dramatic benefits. My wife was seven years younger than me and assuming females live longer I’d planned everything around her being well provided for when I was gone. Well, she died suddenly a year ago at only 54 which threw my planning out the window. Luckily we lived life to the hilt. Now it’s a matter of protecting what little wealth I have for my (only) daughter. The idea of having paid tax on it the first time around and her having to pay tax again kills me.
Well, Doreen, you sell yourself short. when you know you are in the right, you should always stand up for yourself... even if it's a bank's closing fee of a pittance.
Of course you weren't writing about me Zoe because until I posted you wouldn't have known I had both pensions. So not being defensive or justifying myself, just stating the facts. But this thread is about your telly, not my pension, so let's leave it there. :-))
True enough John. I will be eligible for a french pension for my years worked in France in twelve months and I will receive my UK pension five years later having paid the requisite number of years contributions. Although I left the UK in the '80s I carried on paying my self employed NI stamp in order to get enough years in the kitty. I will also get my MN pension next year.