A New Years day tale

Heroic skipper — Éanna Brophy on a true sea saga that filled cinema screens

The captain declared that he was staying with his ship – and the world’s media jumped into action


The fate of the Flying Enterprise freighter gripped the world’s imagination in January 1952. Photograph: AP

Before there was television news there were cinema newsreels – and one of the greatest peacetime stories they ever told was the epic battle to save the Flying Enterprise.

It began on a Christmas Day – and for the next 14 days the sea saga off the south-west coast of Ireland was to grip most of the western world. Every day, the radio and newspaper reports became longer, more detailed and more excited as everyone – from small boys to grandparents – kept watch to learn the fate of the stricken freighter Flying Enterprise and its heroic skipper, Capt Kurt Carlsen.

His name alone could have been dreamed up by Hollywood.

The ship that was to inspire such massive coverage was an ordinary 6,700 ton cargo ship that happened to sail into the worst storm to hit the Atlantic in 35 years. It was sailing from Hamburg to New York with 40 crew and nine passengers – and a cargo of pig iron and furniture.

It was 300 miles off Ireland’s southwest coast on Christmas Day when it was hit by a fierce gale. Crew and passengers were tossed violently from side to side. By December 27th the pounding seas caused the freighter to crack right across the deckhouse and down one side. It began to list badly.

Two US Navy vessels rushed to the area. The passengers and crew jumped into the freezing sea and were all safely picked up.

It was then that the 37-year-old Danish-born Capt Kurt Carlsen declared that he was staying with his ship – and the world’s media jumped into action.

The cinema newsreel companies - Pathé News and Movietone being the big two – hired aeroplanes to fly out and find the struggling ship, and audiences soon found themselves watching an unfolding true story more gripping than the main feature film.

The Flying Enterprise was just one of several ships in peril, but soon the headlines began to proclaim: “Lone Captain Stays With His Ship”.

As 1952 dawned the Enterprise remained afloat, though listing worse than ever. By now the aerial pictures showed Carlsen on the deck, the ship looking tiny amid the mountainous waves. Its main engines had stopped. There was little food left on board but the captain laconically reported to the US transporter Golden Eagle that he was dining on currant buns, some beer and Rhine wine. He confessed to being “a little tired” but that otherwise everything was “fine and dandy”.

The American ship later managed to send him coffee, cigarettes and magazines.

His mother, meanwhile, was now being interviewed, saying that her son had always been “a very good boy, but very obstinate”.

The second chapter of the story started on January 2nd when the powerful 1,136 ton tug Turmoil set off from Falmouth to try to tow the ship to safety. Its first mate, Kenneth Dancy was to gain his own slice of fame in the next few days.

On January 4th the newspaper headlines were proclaiming “Tug Now Alongside”. By now no elaboration on those three words was necessary.

The Turmoil made several attempts to get a line on board. Capt Carlsen leaned out precariously as he tried to grasp the line, but to no avail.

Then Kenneth Dancy made his epic leap. The Turmoil had edged as close as possible to the other ship and First Mate Dancy jumped across the gap between them, bringing with him the tow line. The deed was later flashed on millions of cinema screens – where audiences were by this stage queuing to see the newsreels.

Now a hawser could be reeled aboard the Flying Enterprise and it could be towed to shore. But where? Bantry Bay was closer, but the Enterprise’s owners opted for Falmouth in Cornwall. The two ships set out, followed by a flotilla of other craft, and shadowed overhead by planes.

For the next three days they inched closer to Cornwall. Each day’s mileage was reported and avidly read. By now everyone wanted the Flying Enterprise to survive. And it was listing at nearly 80 degrees.

In Falmouth over 300 reporters and cameramen had taken up every available hotel and boarding house. The seafront was swathed in flags and bunting, waiting to greet two storybook heroes.

But on day 13 the towline snapped, and the Enterprise was once more adrift. “Carlsen In Peril”, screamed one headline. The skipper himself said it was “nothing very alarming”, but the Flying Enterprise began to list further. Carlsen and Dancy donned their lifejackets and walked out along the sloping funnel and jumped into the angry waves. They were hauled aboard the Turmoil just before the Enterprise slid below the waves. The saga had lasted 14 days. The ship had been 30 miles off land.

Kurt Carlsen became a world hero. He was feted in London, and flew home to New York via Shannon Airport. He was presented with a lifebuoy from the city of Limerick by lord mayor Stevie Coughlan.

He joked that he was a little nervous facing into his first ever transatlantic flight. And he had good reason – the plane had to turn back to Shannon because of ice on its wings. The planned New York ticker tape parade had to be postponed for a day – but then it rivalled the welcome given to the returning war hero Gen Douglas MacArthur.

Carlsen turned down Hollywood offers for his story, and ignored all other commercial offers. He went back to sea within months at the helm of Flying Enterprise II, and went on sailing until he retired in 1976. He died in October 1989.


I had just become 9 years old and listened to every minute of it on the radio and read eagerly every word printed in the 2 newspapers delivered to our house each day. It had been the hot topic in our wider seafaring family for all those days, not least my Mum whose own brother had gone down with his ship only 10 years before, albeit not by nature’s hand, and of course my Grandad who’d lost his son. The Grandad who had become a Captain at the age of 21, a year younger than Carlsen but many years earlier.

There is still some mystery about the lost cargo, part of which was recovered in 1960, because of the tight lips of everyone from the US government downwards. Perhaps nuclear material?

Carlsen himself was feted but I found it more difficult to read of what happened to Dancy. He received an industrial heroism medal from the Daily Herald, which was a trade union paper in those days and morphed into the Sun when bought by Murdoch. He died in 2013 at the age of 88, almost the same lifespan as his short term shipmate, Carlsen.

There is also some criticism, and it did shock me, that Carlsen refused to transfer the passengers and crew to the first ship that arrived on the scene, ‘because he was reluctant to transfer to a British ship’. Strange, but maybe connected to the cargo mystery that he waited until an American ship arrived and the 2 ships transferred all but one, who died, to the latter.

Further than that eyebrows were raised at the decision of the ship’s owners to be towed to Falmouth rather than Cork which was much nearer and may have saved the ship. A belated, perhaps politically inspired, decision that the cargo may be more easily dealt with secretly in Britain than neutral Ireland?