A number of Préfecture to definitely get hold of Prefecture de Police in Paris at 9, boulevard du Palais, 75004 Paris


My future company, a young French startup, has sent the dossier for changement de statut on my behalf to the sous préfecture at Paris 14e(17, bd Jourdan, in Cité U.), which was supposed to be transferred to the main Préfecture de Police at 9, boulevard du Palais, 75004 Paris. It’s been around 40 days and no news from Préfecture.

However, my company HR manager, who’s French, has been trying to call Préfecture, but could never got hold of them. I tried 3430 (https://www.prefecturedepolice.interieur.gouv.fr/Demarches/Particulier/Ressortissants-etrangers/Ressortissants-etrangers/Titres-de-sejour-Nous-contacter#ancre-0), but can connect with no human (it’s an automated service it seems?). So does anyone know any other number of Préfecture de Police in Paris at the above address, where I or my company HR can talk to a human working there and get an update on the progress of my dossier? Thank you!