A small spelling error, a large pile of T-shirts


Should go down a bundle with Breton separatists :smiley:


That’s what I was thinking, Paul :smiley:

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The t-shirt sellers should deffo contact the Parti Breton who registered over 13,000 votes at the Regionals last month, on a very low turnout to boot, 13K is not to be sniffed at, that’s 13,000 potential buyers.

And FreeBrittany deffo has a stronger, far more international ring to it than “Votez Breton” or somesuch parochially bretonnant slogan.

They really ought to take their fight onto the international stage. You really need something global and punchy these days.

Try Brittany Ferries.

I remember where I worked, the signage for a forthcoming show, Virgina Woolf.
For such a literary establishment it was very embarrassing as it was spotted by an 8 year old visitor :grin:

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